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原帖由 Oskar 於 2007-6-17 06:10 發表

個樣有 d o靚妹,長頭髮 cute cute 地~ 幾好~
高度一般,不過個波幾大(粗略估計至少有 c-cup~)幾好渣手~

佢話自己第一日做 ,唔知真定假,不過技巧真係有 d 生疏 ...


原帖由 luk9 於 2007-8-14 16:50 發表
細細 also a young girl, half thai half chinese,
body ok(real ball), but skill is average(still green)
attitude is good, so friendly.
when she comes to work ? morning or night shift ?


原帖由 luk9 於 2007-8-16 03:45 發表
night shift, after 6pm


time after time, don't trust your luck, and NEVER trust keeper's recommendation. I went there last week afternoon and already had 4 girls as target. so I had not called them to check whether the girls' availablility since already 4 girl as target, at least 1 should be there (I though). after went upstair, got into room, ask keeper the 1st --- no work, 2nd --- on leave, 3rd and 4th either one --- absent and absent !!!! then I wanted to go away but the man asked for a chance for other girl. I said okay as his attitiude was quite good. then 1st -- mid, 2nd -- even older, 3rd --- mid-mid, 4th --- mid but better than 1st 3. I said okay and want to make twice. She said she just worked here for 2 months. before not in this kind of work. (I though new mid girl ! may not be good news). when take off cloth -- she said "ha, are you so hungry, you are so long, so hard", bathing --- wash VERY HARD to little brother, almost let me feel pain. when blow job after 5 second, she said "you are too hard, I cannot blow any more, let's do it, you upside", well..... when making after 3 insertion, she said "ha, you are too long", I said "any girl make with me in the same way", she said "but you make me feel pain" .... my brother become a bit soft in 0.1 second. then ask her to change to doggy post and finish in 10 second.

we bath and I took on cloth and said not make 2nd time and went out to keeper complaint this "sit" mid-mid girl. keeper said they didn't know whether accept my payment or not. for sure I paid, otherwise, it becomes my fault.

So, if brothers go 三川, don't try this "琪琪".

[ 本帖最後由 littleoldman 於 2008-4-10 01:38 編輯 ]


I did complaint. keeper asked me to give them one more chance. But I was too angry to listen to this request and went away, maybe they change another girl or even 馬王 to 補獲.


原帖由 AkiraYuki 於 2008-4-12 03:07 發表
點解唔向keeper 投訴呢??
Hi, AY, are you too busy to eat girl ? you blog has not be updated for quite a long time ! from your last blog, what is KPS ?


原帖由 AkiraYuki 於 2008-4-22 01:42 發表


所以都好少時間去 update 我既blog!!
唔 update blog 唔緊要,有無食到後生女先?咁近排有無邊處下午有 d 後生 d ?知道名先上去我覺得好過要佢介紹,續件續件咁彈,我同佢都無引。


唉,去三川去到我想收山,早幾日上去,睇左7-8個,個個中女,仲要越來越中,甚麼 miki,小甜, 亞 rain,ivy, 乜乜,七七全部唔係例假就 (對我來講) 係傳說,而家想玩相頭後生都真係好難,可能入夜好 d ,不過我唔夜得。


原帖由 qwaqwa 於 2008-4-29 02:01 發表

Just go to find other places. I have tried Spring Autumn a few times. They are pretty good.
is there any young girl there at afternoon ?


請問 ah sai 中文名係乜 ? 你覺得佢幾多歲呢 ? 你幾點搵到佢呀 ? 中午 or 夜晚 ?


原帖由 c7h15cooh 於 2008-5-9 09:28 發表
May I know whether Ivy still there??And how old is she, I found the oldest record saying that she is 18 in 2006, so she should be older then 20 now?? Any other yong girl??I mean below 20.
went there yesterday. confirmed with the girl, Ivy had not worked there for sometime. You may find ah rain after 8:00pm. I have tried her last year. very young and gl feeling.


原帖由 peninsula 於 2008-5-14 13:00 發表

Last year? Still there?
I found her last yeat in afternoon. but then, she switched to night shift and still working there.


原帖由 kingkong 於 2008-5-16 11:59 發表
how old is she ?




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