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[原創] 想談談四川姑娘技師的特性

Probably because of the water, they usually have good skin and often big eyes. But also very strong characer. Then again most men there are not that good too.  四川男人 are well known for lazy, doing nothing but 上網 and "eat soft rice". All in all, 四川 girls are nice to play with and sometimes be friends...Not as wives or too close relationship though!!!


I have no experience with 四川男人 wor!! ha ha!! But a lot of female friends in China (really friends at work) do have the same comment about them and always warn each other in their circle not to pick them as husband. By the way, comment about HK 男人 and Guangdong 男人 are not bad from them...:-)
As for girls, one of my closest is from  四川 and really beautiful skin and big eyes...Model quality!


Another pick from me is 江蘇。They have quality too. No match for 湖南、湖北 la!
東北girls are good for your eyes only but not my cup of tea.


Well, in general HK guys do respect girls more and is more "gentleman" like as compare to China guys. At least most of us don't mind buying lunch or dinner with a beautiful girl even though there may not be something follow.
Girls in China are very open and they are very direct in getting what they want. Even my China female colleagues discuss that openly with me even though we understand we will not develop an affair.
So stay "gentlemenship" and there is always some good luck for you!




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