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[原創] 常平邪足

原帖由 hobeechai 於 2006-12-14 11:58 PM 發表
昨日悶悶哋一個人去咗常平华泰洗腳, 一入到去, 我問經理有没有紅牌, 不? 做完按摩後, 她主動除去制服, 於是我伸手入去她下面, 手動了一會, 她己經叫個不停, 不過她真係好多水, 不久受不 ...
HoBeeChai 師兄, 我都有去開, 但它們話冇 "紅牌" 喎, 唔知你找幾號呢 ? 它們的沐足技師是由 201 號起的 !
鍾意嘜都得, 千祈唔好鍾意我! 我有老婆仔女, 又妻妾成籮, 唔好煩我!


原帖由 yuzawa06 於 2006-12-15 12:34 AM 發表
明天去試一試!Bro. 甚麽 No.? 收費多少?
HoBeeChai 師兄話 : 先找石經理喎 Okay 嗎 ?
鍾意嘜都得, 千祈唔好鍾意我! 我有老婆仔女, 又妻妾成籮, 唔好煩我!


原帖由 hobeechai 於 2006-12-18 11:39 PM 發表

Is it reasonable?
Be frank, Bros HoBeeChai, $200 is the maximum cost for a FMT (Foot Massage Practitioner!
鍾意嘜都得, 千祈唔好鍾意我! 我有老婆仔女, 又妻妾成籮, 唔好煩我!


原帖由 jwtong 於 2006-12-23 03:52 AM 發表
I stayed at the Walter 3 times last year, each time for over 12 days, visited their FM at least 20 times last year, don't think there's any kinky stuff going on there.
Bros JWTong, I went there every week for last six months and asked for FMP for few times. However, the answer is also NO !
According to Bros HoBeeChai, I'll ask the Manager Stone for it after the X'Mas holiday !
鍾意嘜都得, 千祈唔好鍾意我! 我有老婆仔女, 又妻妾成籮, 唔好煩我!


原帖由 glucerna 於 2006-12-23 01:22 PM 發表

C兄:你仲好RE佢架,係真係假,明眼人一睇就知啦, 禽日我究係匯华地牢天下沐足,扑左條女,佢坐上尼做, 不知幾過引,你信唔信呀????
Bros Glucerna, I believed that everyone would said the truth! Why someone need to tell lies for it ?  
On the other hands, I also believe that "7-Siu" spent $20,000 per month for his hobby too !
鍾意嘜都得, 千祈唔好鍾意我! 我有老婆仔女, 又妻妾成籮, 唔好煩我!


原帖由 glucerna 於 2006-12-23 04:05 PM 發表

C hing:我話我既一個月救國費用,多過"7少"你又信唔信呀
Why Not Glucerna 師兄, 多過他又如何? 最精明的騙子可以騙到所有人, 但永遠騙不到自己囉!
鍾意嘜都得, 千祈唔好鍾意我! 我有老婆仔女, 又妻妾成籮, 唔好煩我!


原帖由 CHIMERA 於 2006-12-25 09:06 AM 發表
Hi Big Bro Hobeechai, the foot massage, is that the one next to the hotel cafe, I noticed that there is private room, but girls only provide normal foot massage, do I need to ask for girls with &qu ...
Bros Chimera, you've to ask Manager Stone for the BGs, there're NO Red Tag BG but there's aggressive BG.  For example is @!^ or @@@
鍾意嘜都得, 千祈唔好鍾意我! 我有老婆仔女, 又妻妾成籮, 唔好煩我!


原帖由 CHIMERA 於 2007-1-16 08:39 PM 發表

did talk Mr Stone, like you said only aggressive.  May be not enough time, cause need to get the train. Tip 50. By the way had you try the SN upstair.  (sorrt can't type Chinese)
Of Course la Bros Chimera, upstair Sauna isn't provided good software at all except BG no. *^
鍾意嘜都得, 千祈唔好鍾意我! 我有老婆仔女, 又妻妾成籮, 唔好煩我!




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