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[原創] 去江阴的人不多吧

I go the jiang yin often.
SN in jiang yin not much fun. you ma go to the other side of the river, jing jiang. it is more open and cheaper there if you like sn.
KTV in jiang yin also good, A lot of them, new ones keep opening. most of them 2, 5. 8. some are 1, 3, 6. MMs are acceptable.
Jiang yin is not a famous place but actually the prices quite high


Jiangyin K - you should go to some good K. Many MM are from all over the places. have tried even Xinjiang MM very pretty.
JingJiang is famous for SN. It is quite open there, not like Jiangyin.
Shapest one is open SN, after bathing you go to a fish pond and choose MM. then go to a small room and do the job, for 100 only. not very clean place.
you may ask for private room, for about 150, MM is 300 or 400, forgot. can place double fly. MM so so, I feel not much fun, only went with friends.
from jiang yin you can take a taxi and bargain the fare to around 110 to 120. it takes only about 30 minutes thru the bridge.
the K in jingjiang also cheap, MM tip only 100. many young MM. most of them like student. do not know how to serve. they just sing, shout and play among MM. Did not try to take MM out in Jiang jiang, but kwon that it is cheaper there. Local Jiang Yin people go often to Jingjiang to play.




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