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搵地方睇波, 請問淨水價錢?

原帖由 楊鉅祥 於 2010-6-28 10:53 發表
各位ching, 想搵地方睇波!
請問吓新瀛宮, 新瀛閣, 好運來, 加勒比海, 海怡, 海天 等等既淨水價錢,
多多指敎, 功德無量.
GFS - I'm sure it will be full house during good match period
Hoi Yee - I had tried one day after 10:30 pm, only paid HKD298+10% for 1.5 hour massage. You can go in at 10:30pm and watch the game until the first game over then, have a massage for 90 minutes, go back to living room and have some snacks and watch the 2nd game until the end. Probably need to pay HKD328 plus tips to Locker........Not bad for spending hours with drink and snack.......

相關搜索目錄: 飲食


原帖由 long_dum 於 2010-6-29 11:53 發表

wow, then is much better than watching in the pub or bar. At least, can have the massage b4 the 2nd match and cost not too much.
However, night shift manager will recommend you to do massage for 3 hours (2.25 hrs in real time), cost is about 450 +10%.........That means you can watch your 1st half of 1st match somewhere and got into the sauna around 10:45 and then watch the 2nd half while waiting for room. If you start massage by 11:45pm and can finish by 2am, take some snacks and drink, then around 2:30 am, 2nd match will be started.........




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