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原帖由 kot 於 2012-2-22 09:47 發表

Bali has changed hand recently while Imperial Spa remains the same.  But price at Imperial is $538 for spa. It worths the price BX the hardware is better.
But I still use 2nd floor today and continue to see ah Wing on the 2nd floor woh?

相關搜索目錄: SPA


原帖由 白貓兒 於 2012-2-23 05:44 發表

They should organize a farewell party for this shop because a lot of C Hings have left many unforgettable memories there from the 1st generation to latest generation of BG's, times running so fast, I still remember the first day when ah wing told me she was going to open a new shop.........but nowadays we are closed to see its ending........


原帖由 Oldman 於 2012-2-23 05:42 發表
which one you tried today?
I cannot remember the name but she is not tall and with a sunny smile.


interesting to see how they compete with each other and just heard that one of the new boss of 2nd floor is one of the initial boss in Saba, one of the smart girl who can sell high and buy low.........


The only complain I may have during the massage, she always talks about which big customers gave her such & such tips at the end in her old place. I am not sure whether she is doing her soft selling skills....sometimes a bit irritating if I already gave her fair tips all the time........


原帖由 ahyan 於 2012-4-1 07:38 發表
什麼價位呢 ?  是以前的價位嗎?
Average tips in TST if you had read some of the comments in this thread!


In these days, BGs must either good at part I or part II, otherwise it may be hard for getting revisited customers because there are fierce competition in TST. As the cost of visiting these types of spa escalate, we do expect at least an average skills in part I, or else we may go back to big sauna because very rarely I can solve my neck pain in these types of spa.........So I absolutely agreed that with some C hings said here BGs need to improve their massage skills as well as their attitude. Similar to running a true company, training is very cruical for staffs who has little or almost no experience in massage skills. In fact, new BGs who has inadequate massage skills should pay to senior BGs for training because these are their assets. Senior BGs can make money and also improve the overall performance. Boss, please kindly consider my suggestions!

相關搜索目錄: SPA
  • 白貓兒 體力 +20 多謝分享 2012-5-19 00:05
  • 白貓兒 威望 +20 多謝分享 2012-5-19 00:05
  • 白貓兒 金錢 +20 多謝分享 2012-5-19 00:05


原帖由 Oldman 於 2012-5-19 04:48 發表
how can the bosses understand your English ?
Sorry, I don't know how to type Chinese, wish you can relate the message to her if you are kind enough.....


原帖由 Olevia37 於 2012-6-8 05:44 發表
Was told she has gone to Fortune Island in TST .......




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