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[上樓骨] 北角龍濤推拿館大革命

原帖由 faizai 於 2010-5-19 06:21 發表

Based on recommendation from here, I took the challenge and visited them around 8 pm. When I walked in on that day, an old guy, seems the boss come to me and ask whether it was my first time to be there. I replied and he led me to the changing room, wah! I have a feeling of a small & look like 70's decoration or 90's in shenzhen feel. Since I already heard about it, so I did change and went into the bathroom, again no petition between different showers, so very similar to Japanese style bath place. Pick up a hoise and finish my bath in 9.9 sec and then went into a message room. Since I met a Fat C9 on my way to bathroom, I told the owner not bring that BG to my room. So what do I get, an even older C9 with more slim body! While she explained to me there are three different packages, honestly I would like to tell her I want vegi, but I do understand that they work for MM, so finally I chose to pay $360. On my way out, I was asked by the owner whether the service is OK, I said OK but not the BG. He said this is the norm within his court. I said OK then I would not come back. Thank you very much!


原帖由 boot_boot 於 2010-5-21 05:23 發表

I regret to have heard your experience.  h:" />
You should consider to try the BG who has been
recommended by the master of this post.  
Boot Boot HIng, yes I did request number (( but he said she is no longer with the firm for a period of time and lately was reconfirmed by the BG that she becomes a boss of USS....Interesting !


原帖由 唐伯苦 於 2010-5-25 08:51 發表
正因為佢地年過30,才有人妻feel.  不過,環境確實差DD.
Over 30 is not a problem but 40+ and do not have any make up may look deterioating for majority of cases....

相關搜索目錄: Make up


原帖由 唐伯苦 於 2010-5-27 04:05 發表
往後走人妻路線, 一於實行人人有工開! 將失業率一再降低 ...
Then we have to find more part time in order for us to support your new idea spa

相關搜索目錄: SPA


原帖由 chowsingchichi 於 2010-7-8 06:10 發表
張天愛feel既偷跳師奶 ...
In that case, I wish I could take half day leave and verify the housewife feel in one day.........


原帖由 boot_boot 於 2010-7-9 01:53 發表

There should not be too many housewives stationing there every afternoon,
please kindly let me know prior to your visit, when you will take your half day
It sounds like you don't trust chowsinchichi Hing......Have you verified it already??




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