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原帖由 yuppies 於 8/28/2006 02:17 AM 發表


唔好話離開咗二十年, 即使到死o個日我都會係香港人!!!


After seeing all these posts, I feel like giving my 2 cents and hope you can find it useful...( Sorry I don't really have time to type all these in Chinese...)

First of all, let focus on our problem: you want to please your boyfriend on bed.  Ppl may think your relationship may have problem as well and that can in turn affect your sex life.  I am not here to give you advise on how to fix your relationship with your bf, and I think that should be a different discussion all by itself.  Can you fix your sex life without improving your relationship?  Speaking from the men side: yes!  Remember, some men can even have sex with strangers.  Unless he really hates you, otherwise you two can having great sex together.  (Inn some cases, men find the only thing that is working in a realtionship is sex!!!)

When you think about having sex and pleasing your partner, please use your heart to feel and your brain to think!  Think from your partner's propective.  Not all the men are the same, so pay attention to YOUR bf!  See what girls attract his attention, what female movie starts he like; what adult movie he watches (and how the girls dress in that movie; and which play excites him the most!!!)  Your problem iis not about women knowing men's need.  It is about whether or not you pay attention to your other half.  You know him better than any body on this forum!  Use your heart to learn and care about him.

Excitment comes from the brain!  Men can easily be excited by sexy dress (may be in a particualr color), new perfumes, dirty talks, and adult movies as well.  Play some nice music, and dim the light.  Don't be too agressive but be VERY seductive...  These all can motivate him to want to have sex with you.  You can play hard to get at the beginning like other suggested.  That can be fun sometime.

When you get him started, keep eye contacts.  Use your eyes and body to tell him how much you love him.  Touch him all over; kiss him all over; talk to him.  And most important of all, PAY ATTENTION to his responds when you do all these.  When he starts enjoying and starts "Hmm...   Ah....  Oh...!!), then you know that is what he likes and you need to REMEMBER it!  Ask him while you are doing it.  "Do you like this, honey<<or however you call him on bed>>??"  "How about here??"  "Want it faster??"

Use your body as tools.  Fingers, tougue, lips, nose and hair!  Kiss and touch his ears, neck, sides of his legs, toes, and feet.  Some gals are willing to kiss EVERYWHERE on him, but if you find it to be uncomfortable, then just touch him instead.  Blow job is nice but PLEASE don't let it be the first thing to do as foreplay.  Whatever he likes the most should come last!  Just touch around the area.  When he really wants it, he will move "it" towards you.  Then kiss AROUND that area, or blow some air to it!!!!  It is very sexy if done right.   Then you can ask him, " do you want me to blow you???"  Then look into his eye and start licking it...  Again, be Seductive.

Sometime you can play "servant" to satisfy his "manhood":  "How may I please you?? I will do whatever you want!!"  I beg you $100 that he will tell you a lot about what he wants instead of you asking strangers here for advise...!  

Sex is an interactive thing.  When you make your love one feels really good, don't be surprised that you will be excited at the same time.  After you get him crazy about you, then just relax and enjoy the ride yourself!!!!  

Sex can help a realtionship but it can't save one!  
It is difficult to leave your best sex partner!!!  But do you still want him if he is just treating you as a sex partner is a different matter.

Hope this help.  Good luck!!!

[ 本帖最後由 usnameless 於 2006-8-28 10:27 AM 編輯 ]
唔好話離開咗二十年, 即使到死o個日我都會係香港人!!!


原帖由 bbling 於 8/30/2006 02:52 AM 發表

thank you so much for your suggestion. your advise is very useful....i will improve the relationship wif my bf...
really thanks so much`
唔洗客氣!!!!  希望D廢話可以幫到你!!!
唔好話離開咗二十年, 即使到死o個日我都會係香港人!!!


原帖由 hagikit123 於 8/30/2006 12:42 PM 發表

咁又唔一定high架啵, 各下有冇聽過"交功課".

[ 本帖最後由 usnameless 於 2006-8-30 02:18 PM 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: 功課
唔好話離開咗二十年, 即使到死o個日我都會係香港人!!!




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