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美国人寿 vs 中国人寿

Black Swan is also an interesting book to read....costs about $118.


原帖由 peninsula 於 2008-9-22 22:15 發表

原帖由 COO 於 2008-9-22 12:39 發表
Black Swan is also an interesting book to read....costs about $118.

Where to get?


With these financial turmoils, China will definitely slow down its process of opening up financial markets.  Too much the risks involved. China just does not have enough experienced financial wizards to handle.

Also as I mentioned in other thread, the off-balance sheet items of the US banks are going to be another big issue which could likely to deepen the present problems in the US, and the globe.


回復 22# 的帖子

I wish I knew.

Because of the different accounting treatment in relation to investment for investment banks (mark-to-market) and commercial banks (at cost); therefore, we really do not know what and how bad the commercial banks are hurt.

It is anticipated that there are gonna be a lot more small to medium regional commercial banks will be in the brink of liquidation in the US.

相關搜索目錄: Investment Accounting


原帖由 public59 於 2008-9-25 12:09 發表

Currently, a lot of people in US are agruing if "fair value accounting" is leading to the financial/credit crisis. FASB are now forced to speed up its response time in dealing with credit crisis-r ...
At present, the US has not yet adopted the IFRS which is being commonly used in EU.  I think it is not practical to use fair value for structured investments. They are too complicated and difficult to evalute.

相關搜索目錄: Accounting


Blown out of proportion......


Well, from small investors' point of view, it may take too LITTLE (from the Big Gamblers) but give up too MUCH (of thier own protection).




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