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Action in Cambodia (¬Z®H¹ë)- PP, SR and Sihanoukville.

Action in Cambodia (¬Z®H¹ë)- PP, SR and Sihanoukville.

¬Z®H¹ë Cambodia - PP, SR and Sihanoukville.

Most action are in KTVs and better if got locals to bring you around. Girls from MPs (with glass tanks) are all underaged. I have been taken to places where the girls are bet 13-15 yrs old. Really pissed me off! Too many paedophiles there. My local friends all taruh without condoms!!!!! So you better watch out for HIV & STD (those come free!).

ST : US 10-20. Overnight : US 50.

Khmer girls usually a bit of village smell. Go for Vietnamese chicks nice bodies and boobs. Best ones i tried in Casa. But be careful. My safe in the hotel room was broken into. The thieves seem to be inside job. They don't take all your money ... just pull out some notes. The last time I lost about US 100 and Thai Baht 2,000. So count your cash before you put wallet/passport in hotel safe. They are really NOT SAFE!

Most of the time, I will pick up beer promoters in the karaoke or bars. They average mid 20s (old by Camb standard). I find they give the best service and are happy to be picked up instead of the GROs. Price - US 20. hehehe. Best I know they will get all the money and no need to go to pimps.

Going to a KTV like Casa can be quite an experience as they may have more than 100 girls to choose from, PRC's, Viets, Khmer, the odd Russian or two. While Casa may be considered more upscale, there are bigger KTV's with a larger number of girls. $50 is the normal overnight price but you may be able to kautim the girl directly and at a lower price in the disco below where most of the girls hang before being booked.

The girls at Sharkeys and Martini's are definitely much, much cheaper but IMHO also older, not always attractive and more experienced. Unlike Casa where the clientele is mostly Asian, its mostly gwailo's at Sharkey's and Martini's.

Be more cautious when playing there.......................better be safed with cap.

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ Bonkinasia ©ó 2007-1-20 02:19 PM ½s¿è ]

¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: Disco













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Phnom Penh Travel Report

Phnom Penh Travel Report

December 26, 2006: I just came back from Phnom Penh. It is truly an interesting place but most of the reports that I found on the internet are either really outdated, exaggerated or merely the fruit of a seriously intoxicated mind.

The famous K11 is closed, so do not bother looking for it. Yes, it had to be closed due to the amount of pathetic pedophiles going there. Thankfully, the government of Cambodia has decided to do something about that problem. If you are a pedophile, you are a sick bastard. Nobody will ever like you, not even your mother if she finds out, so you might as well wrap a plastic bag around your head and suffocate.

Really! I "had to" go see Tuol Kok mainly because of curiosity and because I have a knack for "danger". The taxi driver insisted that it was not good. Of course, I did not believe him. He was right, though. It is just a long street with a lot or rundown shacks along. The ones with pink neon light are open for business. The girls are quite sad. I only saw 1 or 2 that even deserved a shag. The place is just disgusting. I had to check out the facilities and asked a girl to show me "where they did it". She took me inside the shack, very dirty, smelly, no toilets and of course, no running water. The girls asked for US$5. I did not even dare. Apparently the locals get it for US$2.

The rest of the street is a bunch of karaoke shacks with a little grill outside where they cook. I stopped to eat, drink and sing at one of the places. The people are not used to foreigners there and they were really nice. The food, despite all the shortcomings of the place, was quite good. No danger in this area, but really a waste of time.

Taxi drivers will offer to take you to the "floating restaurants" at the other side of the river over the bridge. There are several restaurants over what was once water. The water has now far receded and the place is not that nice at all. The food is expensive and horrible. After lunch you have the option to take the waitress to one of the rooms and fuck her for US$10. Since I was there, and it was only 2 PM, I had to try. It was my worst fuck in Cambodia. My advise, avoid the floating restaurants and don't waste your time.

The massage parlors: Contrary to what some reports mentioned, these parlors have girls that just look too young. You go there and are given a book of pictures to choose. I went to several of them and decided to pass. The local brothels are illegal and, therefore, not advertised but you can find many just by asking the taxi driver. The thing is, the girls are not too much into it and do not speak a word of English. The price is US$15 - 20, but again, not worth it. Beware, the police do raid these places and the only way out apparently is by paying a hefty bribe.

Of course, it is all a matter of luck, which can add excitement to the adventure, but really, the places are not worth it! So, where is it worth it? Stick to the classical bars. The girls are by no means gorgeous, but many of them are acceptable and most of them provide excellent service. Beware of the websites for some of this places. DV-8 has a great website that makes the place look like a NY club. Not at all, the place is a little dump with not too many girls. Not worth going.

Martini's and Sharkies are where most of the girls are. You can get a girl there for US$15 short time. Forget about all nighters. What are you going to do, marry her?! Just fuck her and kick her out. I heard too many stories of stupid guys being robbed after falling asleep in the arms of their newly found love. Martini's is an outside bar, with trees, etc., very nice!

Walkabout has several girls day and night. They are always the same and most of them are not too good looking. There are a few there that are worth something. In particular, there was (I am sure she is still there) an older Vietnamese woman with long black hair that for US$20 who provided some of the best service I have ever had. The place is also a hotel, so it may be very convenient to stay there (I did). The rooms are very basic, but safe and quiet. The place is very centrally located.

There are several other bars in that area next to the Walkabout with girls and so on which are also nice. There is even a 'Hooters'. The American owner has made a perfect imitation of Hooters, down to the sign, the uniforms, etc. I bet he is just waiting for Hooters to sue him in Cambodia municipal court for infringement of tradename, ha, ha, ha. There are no working girls there, but the waitresses are a little good looking. If you can chat with them appropriately, you can take one home with you for free (I did).

The same goes for the waitresses of some of the other bars. These girls are, after all, looking to get out of there and a foreigner seems to be the right ticket out. But one thing, once you do that, you have a girlfriend in that bar which means that if you go back she will not leave you alone... (now, why would you go back anyway when there are so many places to see?)

Now, the famous Sophie, Cyrcee and Mikado (the blowjob bars). These bars have a lot of girls, but no BJ being performed "on-site". When you come in, you certainly feel like a Holywood actor in an Oscar night. Be prepared to have 6 - 7 girls all over you. They have rooms upstairs, very clean and nice. The girls vary, some are hot, but none is a model. They are really sweet and provide great service for US$15 a head. Take at least 2 with you upstairs. It is worth it. If you give them 5 extra US$, they will let you use your video camera.

Sophie is a dump, though. The bar is really small and it is on a second floor in an area of town where there is nothing else. Cyrcee is the best. Cyrcee and Mikado being right in the center of the action, I see no reason to go to Sophie. Now, the best thing you can do is go around and try to meet local girls. Some speak English, some French, and after you take them out for dinner and make them feel comfortable you can spend a very good night without having to pay for it. Trust me... Heart of Darkness is a very noisy club. You have seen clubs everywhere, this is just one more. There is a lot of fat, pink fleshed, foreign girls alone or with their boyfriends. It is a tourist club. Nothing to it, unless you like that crap.

Best place to pick up local talent (non-professional) is in the streets, the markets, the shops, etc. Remember, local girls cannot afford going out at night. The lake area has delightful cheap guesthouses overlooking the lake. Nice to sip a beer watching the sunset, but no action to speak of, except if you like the lousy young pink fleshed backpackers with their bellies protruding from their t-shirts that want to talk about all the places they have been before... Fuck it.

What else? Cambodia is very poor, and everything is very cheap. Tip the people, be nice to them. After all, where else can you fuck the hell out of two happy pretty young girls at the same time for US$30??? (Review # 17003)
Phnom Penh Travel Report Dated Added: Mon Jun 05 2006 Submitted by: Anon

Phnom Penh is certainly one of the cheapest cities of the world for good sex. My (wonderful) experience: the Martini. To go there, motorbike (don¡¦t pay more than 1 $ during the night). I arrived there around 9 o¡¦clock, free entrance, about 30 girls waiting for customers (they don¡¦t work for the bar, at least that¡¦s what is written at the entrance), and 5 or 6 white men seating. I ordered a beer (don¡¦t remember the price, but quite cheap), had a look at the girls. A few young ladies (most of them are 18-25 years old) came near me. I hesitated to make my choice, until a young and very pretty one came very close to me. Irresistible I finished my beer trying to find a still more beautiful, but the one who chose me was really the prettiest. So we agreed on 15 $ (she first wanted 20). I suppose older or not so handsome girls would go for 10 $. We took a motorbike to the center (I think the Soria hotel - 2 $ the room for 15 minutes, 5 $ for 1 hour). She undressed (cute figure, very soft skin), washed her pussy and asked me to put on a condom. She started with oral, then fucking. 10 first minutes were very good (even if she simulated too much), any position ok, but after she started to ask me every minute ¡§You cum? Why?¡¨ I rather gave up explaining her that if she would keep asking I would never cum, and above all that I just tried the Indian Viagra I had bought there for 3 $ the 4 pills. A few tips: theses girls ask a lot of questions, don¡¦t tell them your real name, the name of your hotel (you never know, just in case), say that you have already been many times in that club and that you will come back the next days (that was my mistake, I said I would leave the next day) - they will better take care of you if they think they will see you again, otherwise they will hurry to leave and find another customer. Just a few words about Tuol Kok, the red light district: don¡¦t go there (alone)! Dark streets, sad girls waiting in seedy huts (around 20 huts in the area), no foreigner there, to avoid

¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: Video


Phnom Penh Travel Report 2

Unfortunately, Phnom Penh is not the place it was even two years ago. The Vietnam brothels are getting busted regularly and the girls being forced underground. Innocent guys who fail to use their noose are getting netted in underage scams orchestrated by unscrupulous NGOs and the local police. Violent crime and mugging is on the rise again, and a limited number of girls are demanding more money as an increased number of punters displaced by new visa restrictions from Thailand have started to flood the place. If you care for your own safety and sanity, avoid the place.

First of all, Phnom Penh is neither comparable to Bangkok nor to Pattaya. There are few bars, located at unlit streets (e.g. street 51). The bars look more shabby and the girls, too.

I went to Martini Pub, picked a 21-year old Vietnamese girl, took her to my room. The show wasn't more than standard and she didn't even simulate a bit. Next day, I went to the Walkabout, also picked a Vietnamese girl. She was nice, stayed with me long time (fucked her 3 times) and was happy with the $15 I gave her.

What irritated me the most was the lack of shame. After having sex, she went to the bathroom and left the door open. She crouched down, swilling her pussy with the shower and looked at me kind of apathetic. Never have seen something like this in Thailand.


Some of my compilation on Phnom Pehn - Hotels with actions (with WEBsites)



- River side Hotel is ok $30/day , GF friendly no extra.


- The Hope and Anchor has some nice riverside rooms with a balcony over the river,bar downstairs is very good


- Paris hotel (+massage)


- friendly hotel, like the Flamingo


- Asia hotel


- Billabong


- Bayon Pearnik some other good GF hotels and info on all the most visited bars.


bars clubs no prices

- Zanzibar
- Coyote Ugly
- Shanghai Bar now has over 50 hostesses and a successful formula
- Sparks Sparkâ£á™ was the high-end answer before
- DV8
- One Zero Four
- BARBADOS BAR,#108 street,
- Casa Karaoke
- Lâ£á™Asiate on Street 118, not far from Sharky Bar
- Manhattan Club in the Holiday International Hotel
H 3 Street 84 next to Holiday International Hotel
- Try a few hostess bars such as: Barbados, Zanzibar, Rose bar, DV8

bars & clubs low end (5$-10$)

- Rose Bar
- Shophies (bj's)
- Sharkies (club)
- Martinis
- Le Cyrce'e Club A unique ambiance in Phnom Penh Open From 6pm~2am
All drinks US$2 #13 Street 49 Phnom Penh Tel : 012 739 784 or 012 501 260
- The better bars are: Barbados, Rose, Zanzibar.

mid-range girls (10$-30$)

- Walkabout has had a good crowd as of late as well.
- The Cambodian brothels are all located near the Lucky Star Hotel No 14
Street 336
- The Vietnamese brothels (there are four of them) are all located on Street
63 Sangkat Phsar Thmei Ti 3. No. 40 is a brothel.
- Manhattan (viet) 30-50$

hostesses high-end (50$-75$)

- Casa Hotel Night Club and Restaurant No. 5 France Street 47 Near What
Phnom Girls arrive at 8:00 pm
- Club 99 No. 10 Street 252 Girls arrive at 8:00 p.m.
- Holiday International Manhattan Club Street 84, off Monivong Girls do not
arrive until late at 1:00 a.m
- XO Club, No. 85 A, Street 163 By far the best looking girls


- Navy Massage
- Yang Chou Beer Garden and Massage No.28 R Street 252 023362257


Ensure you've had your Hep B, A, Typhoid vaccines.



- Sihanoukville. Plenty of places to stay. For 20 US dollars you can get a very nice room indeed at the Golden Sand Hotel (with pool and opposite the beach - g. friendly), or you could stay in downtown at somewhere like the Marlin (friendly, comfy and in an area with bars, the few freelancers, and bus station etc). Check out the village (chicken farm) near the port. The Blue mountain.


- BIBA´s (some kind of Khmer Disco) located also there, at the Blue Mountain (various houses there), at the Fishermen´s Den (downtown on the rooftop of a hotel), the Blue Storm Disco (downtown) and there is a Club called Number One



- Best massage parlour is on the road to airport : Top Town, full of beautiful girls (ST 35$)

- In siem riep turn right after hotel de la paix,u will see girls at the corner in front of the benzine station they will take u in a small street,you will find 4 to 5 girls beleve it or not is only 5usd a shot

- Hollywood Massage - Short-time, many girls. Go before midnight or there's less selection. Moto can take you there. It's down a dirt road,near Martini. There are other unmarked places motos can take you also.

-Disco: Martini near the bridge to the market, very dark and very loud. Better go to Zone One, many beautiful girls.
-Bars: Blue Wave bar, dead with ugly girls, and Zanzibar the same.
-Massage Parlours: the best option in my opinion. They are located on the strech of road, a bit further away from the Martini: Hollywood (ST 20$), Madonna (ST 25$), DoRéMi (ST 30$), Bopea (ST 25$). Experience depends of the girls, but lacks of enthousiasm.
Best massage parlour is on the road to airport : Top Town, full of beautiful girls (ST 35$). Did feel stupid coming on my bicycle in front of the girls, when the chinese businessmen were coming in their BMW¡K
- Taphul road has a place mainly catering to cambodian boys, but some of the girls are nice and ok to go to your hotel (ST 5$/7$)

¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: Disco


Perhaps you would want to go to Sharkeys for better pickup.  There are many Vietnamese and local girls.  The standard charge is about US$15 for 2 hours ST. You can go for good quality one overnight at US$30 ¡V dun pay for more.


Phnom Penh report #1

Let me share with you the latest report from Anon on Phnom Penh. It is very informative, hence cut
and paste it here to share with all of you...

Wed Feb 07 2007 by Anon..............................

I have been to Phnom Penh about 10 times in the past 12 months and I have visited many of the bars and discos in the city. I can offer a few general tips. Most bars in Phnom Penh have an identical set-up; not just in terms of bar placement and musical selection, in staffing as well.

Most hostess bars have one or two very attractive girls, one or two cute girls and six or seven ladies who are not attractive. So, your chances of getting a stunning date for the night are not good. The already slim chances are made worse by the fact that many of the girls have husbands or boyfriends and simply will not go with customers. It can be very difficult to get a straight answer out of anyone in Phnom Penh (this policy of minimum candour has been adopted by many ex-pats there, too) but you should ask which girls go with customers.

Do not be surprised if, in a bar with 10 girls working, only one or two will actually be available for customer service. If you do see a girl you like and the bar has a fine-system in place (some establishments do not have a bar-fine and you will have to meet the girl after work) make certain you have discussed in detail what you expect from the girl if you pay the bar for her. She may believe that the two of you are only going to eat or go dancing.

Every trip I have taken to Phnom Penh, I have heard at least one guy (usually just in from Thailand) complaining at a bar that the girl did not come back to his room with him. If both parties understand each other, the bar-fine is usually $5-10. Some of the girls will ask for $40-60 but the standard at the time of writing was $20 for the night. I think the best bar (based on the number of available, attractive ladies) is Golden Vine on 108 Street (perhaps 500 meters from the Sunway and Le Royal Hotels).

This is one of the few bars where a majority (but certainly not all) of the girls are willing to stay overnight with customers. There are six gorgeous ladies there and the others are average (5's if you will), none of the ladies are ugly. Every hour or so, the ladies do a dance routine on the bar, some of them can really move, men have been known to change their stance on the paying of bar-fines after seeing those ladies dance. The bar-fine is $10 and the girls ask for $20. I have paid the bar-fine twice there, one experience was spectacular, the other, just average (there is a lot of "the starfish" syndrome in Phnom Penh bar-girls). Also on 108 Street, Barbados has a couple of stunners (mostly not stunners) available.

There are a couple of bars stacked right next to Golden Vine, Voo Doo and Zapata. Voo Doo is worth looking into as there is some action available, Zapata is not worth your time if you are looking to take a lady home. Love Story Bar has several beautiful ladies but their availability depends on your looks and your offer. If a girl there finds you attractive, you'll be asked for $20. If you are not terribly appealing to them, you'll be asked for $60, or, you could be told that they do not go with customers.

This bar has a lot of Asian clients more accustomed to buying lady-drinks for the girls (Many Caucasians simply will not buy lady-drinks) so the girls here can be rather picky. If they are having a good night in the lady-drink department, why bother going with you for $20? Across the street from Love Story Bar is, Happy Man Bar (the owner, Happy Man). This place is packed with ladies! There must have been 20 of them when I visited. Many of the girls are quite attractive and the atmosphere is great but it was impossible to determine which of the ladies were available.

DV8 on 148 Street, just 15 meters from Sisowath Quay (the road along the riverside) also has a high percentage of take-away possibilities. Unfortunately, only two of the girls are true beauties. One of them, in fact, is so beautiful (light skin, lovely complexion) she could work in Akasaka, in Tokyo. If this girl lived in Bangkok she would be married to a wealthy businessman by now. As it is, she is the top prospect at DV8. She asks for $40 (and usually gets it). The other girls get $10 (short-time upstairs, $5 for the room) or $20 if you want to take them home.

As I said though, most of the girls here would rate a 5 or lower on the 1-10 scale. Another key factor for all the above mentioned bars, I have never been asked to buy a lady-drink. I do not mind buying a girl a drink and I almost always do so but I like to make the decision without pressure. You can browse at any of those spots. Here is a list of bars to avoid, for one reason or another, or a combination of reasons: Shanghai (pressure to buy drinks and none of the ladies are going home with you).

Mata Hari, the back bar of Riverside Bistro (see above, and, the owner is the most hated ex-pat in Phnom Penh, it is only a matter of time until someone shoots him and you do not want to get hit by a stray round from an AK-47). Sharky Bar (I climbed the stairs for this?). Chillis Bar (remarkably unattractive girls for the most part and they are the only ones available for take-away).

Hooters (the owner is the abrasive lunatic sitting next to you and all the girls are married, even the ugly ones). Howie's Bar (don't say I didn't warn you). All the bars on 240 Street. I should also mention 104 Street, a short street near the Post Office. There are half-a-dozen bars on that street, some of them are hostess bars when I visit one time and not hostess bars on my next visit. I always take a tour of the bars on that street, with mixed results each time. There are three (that I know of) blow job bars in central Phnom Penh, all within a few minutes walk of each other. I have only been to Cyrcee Club on Street 49. Ten seconds after I was in the door, two ugly girls pounced on me and asked if I wanted to go upstairs.

There were only a few girls sitting around and none were attractive, perhaps the good looking ones were already upstairs. The girls are rumored to be knickerless but if they were, they kept that a secret from me. I had one drink and left but I was told that it was $10 per girl and $2 for the small room upstairs. I have been told the prices are the same at both Sophie's and the Mikado Club. I suspect you receive the same sort of instant attention when you walk through the door at those other clubs, too. It is not for the shy. If you do not want to bother with figuring out which bar-girl is really available, you have a few options. Martini has been mentioned here before and nothing has changed there. Unless your hotel is out in that area, I really wouldn't bother going there because you could find the same action at Walkabout on 51 Street. Many of the girls shuttle between Martini and Walkabout so the selection is essentially the same.

If you are out very late, girls who had no luck finding a client in Heart of Darkness sometimes wander down 51 Street and take a perch at Walkabout. The prices at Walkabout range from $5-15 and some of the girls are best described as frightening. Heart of Darkness is small disco on 51 Street, the crowd is touristy for the most part and that ensures a lot of working girls, some of them are very attractive and the going rate is $20. If you do decide to go to Heart, keep in mind that not all the local girls you see are for hire and insulting the wrong people at Heart can lead to an ugly scene. Working girls will give you plenty of eye-contact and then come over to you. If you want more locals and better music, go to Gold Star on 136.

You walk through a rather quiet lobby and enter the disco through the doors at the back. You will see many fine ladies at Gold Star, however, not many of them are working. The hostesses wearing numbers will sit and have a drink with you (because it is mostly a locals bar, drinks are cheap) and other services can be arranged for a price. The disco is in a hotel and I am told there are short time rooms available. I have never checked into the prices but I believe it safe to assume that a girl and room (short time) would be in the $20-$30 range.

There are few expense-account options, as well, in the central district. Cathouse Tavern (a three minute walk from Cyrcee Club) is a hostess bar-in-the-round that features pricey (for Phnom Penh) drinks and a lot of very attractive ladies. There is no bar-fine at Cathouse but it does close at midnight so you won't have to wait terribly long to meet the girl of your choice.

However, she will want $100. I know one of the Cathouse girls from her time at another bar and she tells me that the girls at Cathouse rarely negotiate the price. Some hotels, notably Cambodian, have massage parlors attached. The fishbowl at the Cambodian is well stocked with Chinese and Vietnamese lovelies. They will want $100 but may be willing to negotiate a price closer to $60. The massage and the girl can be billed to your credit card (3% surcharge). I did this on my first trip to Phnom Penh, stayed at the Cambodian and put the spa experience on the company account. I should add that the girl was Chinese and the service was incredible.

I should also add that the mamasan came up to my room when her shift was over. She was a Khmer lady about 30, attractive with a great body that included big round breasts. She gave me a body-to-body massage and everything else I wanted. She asked for $100, it was so good I gave her $120. The drawback to the Cambodian is that they get hostile if you try to big a lady(not employed at the spa) back to your room. I stay at either the Sunway or Le Royal now, they just hold the door and smile when you have company coming in with you. I think those are best options in Phnom Penh.

There are several street-walker strips but those girls look rough and many of them look underage. There are also many small brothels and karaoke joints in the central part of the city. Non-Asians are welcome but these places are prone to police shakedowns. Getting caught in one of these beer-fund raids could cost you a lot of money.

¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: SPA Credit card Dance Disco



For massage you might want try at Paris Hotel (2nd floor): Not bad - but a little bit more expensive.

You pay US$ 5 per hour for massage, including the room, but you have to negotiate with the girl for special. Room was very good and very clean...but no large bathtub in the room.The girl was Chinese-Khmer, she wanted US$ 40, but finally agreed for US$ 25 - still a little bit steep - but she finally stayed about 3 hours and her service was good, very good attitude and very unexpected in Cambodia..well worth the US$ 25 spent, but you have to add another US$ 15 for the room for 3 hours...

There were many girls in the fishbowl that seemed not really interested or simply bored sitting there...difficult to say what you can expect there if you make the wrong choice...paying about US$ 40 for a just-average performance, perhaps it might cost more if the girl is not willing to negotiate...however, you can still get a massage and leave after one hour for US$ 5, but this is probably not what you came for...

You can get just about any girl you want no problem for US$ 30 LT in the bars or clubs (but probably not in Paris Hotel, where I have no idea how much LT could be). Usually, it is possible to get her down to US$ 25, that depends on your negotiation skills hor¡K.

- Best massage parlour is on the road to airport : Top Town, full of beautiful girls (ST 35$)

- In siem riep turn right after hotel de la paix,u will see girls at the corner in front of the benzine station they will take u in a small street,you will find 4 to 5 girls beleve it or not is only 5usd a shot

- Hollywood Massage - Short-time, many girls. Go before midnight or there's less selection. Moto can take you there. It's down a dirt road,near Martini. There are other unmarked places motos can take you also.


­ì©«¥Ñ johnlam123 ©ó 2007-4-14 06:17 µoªí
Brother Bonkinasia,
I beleive your work is garment relative,
have you take drug in Holiday ???
I am not in garment related kinda of job.  But have bsuiness
friends started importing garments to SE Asia in the 1900s.
There are clothings, bags and shoes etc..............

Hey, I am 'non-smoker', occassionally drink some liquor, no beer but only red wine.  Drugs are not in my mind hey.............want to get me drunk?.......................hehehe

¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: Wine






­ì©«¥Ñ peninsula ©ó 2007-4-17 06:30 µoªí

I guess you are "retired"!
I am a pandas. I eat shoots and leaves..........................hehehe




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