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[原創] 七少欲擒先縱”米舖西施”

原帖由 Haidada 於 2008-10-2 12:41 發表



原帖由 coke818 於 2008-10-2 17:21 發表

May be she don't like "making love". Or not yet know how to enjoy being fxxk. Anyway, 舊的不去,新的不來
Forget her la.
Remember that there are many trees in this forest.


原帖由 7-siu 於 2008-10-2 17:41 發表
You are right . She doesn't know sex yet. Eventhough she is not a virgin.
May be she had a bad experience during the initial stage of being explored.
She needs some guy like us to lead her to the right track.  
But it may take time and $.


原帖由 7-siu 於 2008-10-3 09:45 發表
He cannot tell whether she is "low" or "no" sex drive. She just don't let Par3 go any further than just fonding and kissing her nake body, but no real sex.

It is different with "no" sex. She might  ...
It is difficult to say that as this MM may be too expert to the game by playing 欲拒還迎 & 忽冷忽熱 or too fresh in this field. Probably, she may be the first style.
From my experience with the previous GF, she will not give you the last step in a short period. She will test you from time to time whether you want her body as the first priority or not.
It may take time to break the iceberg!
If you have sufficient patient and she doesn't asking you to buy too much or asking much $, then go ahead.


原帖由 par3 於 2008-10-4 17:40 發表

she is a very 正經女仔, and she simply tell me that she won't go for the final stage unless she is married. if she is willing to go for the final stage, i may not go out any more because of her, i ...

It is difficult to say at this moment.
Several years with her or you may have kids, the thing may change in particular after

However, I do concur with what Brother Haidada said:
Only your wife will accompany with you to walk through the final stage of your life.

Thus, I treat the remaining MM as a dessert of my life and won’t forget the main dish.


原帖由 7-siu 於 2008-10-5 01:56 發表
He intends  to make her his wife.
So, why not to try!
As the MM is surrouned by so many dogs/wolves, you must be go with a tactical way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


原帖由 Haidada 於 2008-10-6 11:03 發表
When we come to talk what makes a good husband/wife..
should or should not go "PO"...it becomes too complicated a question la....and there will be no yes or no answers lo....
Well, it is better get back to the right track to our adventure.
BTW, where have those guys been during the past holiday.
It seems that Mac, Spider have disappeared for a long time.
Any new reports come up here?


原帖由 井底蛙 於 2008-10-6 11:23 發表

Yes, I also find it to be quite stange that most MJ brothers disappeared. Anything wrong?
I start to moving place to place and need more information/recommendation from these big brothers.
Looking forward for their reports of the new adventures!




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