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愛上一個不應去愛的人, 可以點?

愛上一個不應去愛的人, 可以點?

I married my wife for 8 years. We got a common female friend. In last 6 months, I had a very close relationship with her. Finally, we kissed each other last night. We understood we love each other. She knew that I won’t leave my wife. But she just cannot bear to have such kind of affair with me. I felt I was so stupid. May be I should only keep my love in the bottom of my heart and keep our relationship in just very close friend. Sad….

I am going to hold back. I don’t want to hurt anyone. Just carry one more regrets in my life. Should be the best choice, isn’t it?
Fan... Fan... Fantastic !!!


原帖由 fuckallday 於 2007-9-30 22:44 發表
I don't know if you should hold back. In any event, you are hurting the third person and yourself, maybe your wife as well. Be true to yourself, will it be the same if you stick with your wife? Are ...
Thanks for your advice.

[ 本帖最後由 fatboy33 於 2007-10-3 21:33 編輯 ]
Fan... Fan... Fantastic !!!


end of story

[ 本帖最後由 fatboy33 於 2007-10-3 21:34 編輯 ]
Fan... Fan... Fantastic !!!


I understand "what is marriage". I know how to be a good husband.

My wife is always doing well to me. I remember all the time we spent with each other.

I love her. She trusts me and we are a very happy couple.

But... I can tell... she is not the one I love the most.

She is the one who I can live with for life time.

We can keep maintaining our relationship as good as it is, no doubt till die.

That is my marriage. I accept and appreciate that when I choose to marry her.

We’ve been together for 13 years.

During these 13 years, I never met someone who can touch my heart so deep.

She (our common friend) just comes up in a very wrong moment.

And I shouldn’t allow her to get into our life.

Most of the time, I cannot stop myself to staring at her.

We can see through each other and touch each other’s soul.

All is just so perfect and so difficult to hold back.

Don’t worry, I know what I should do. I will be good to wife and be a good husband.
Fan... Fan... Fantastic !!!


just read this (轉貼)愛與愛情的分別


will try my best to protect and maintain my marriage.
Fan... Fan... Fantastic !!!



The sun comes up,
I chink about you.
The coffee cup,
I think about you.
I want you so,
It's like I'm losing my mind.
The morning ends,
I think about you.
I talk to friends,
I think about you.
And do they know?
It's like I'm losing my mind.
All afternoon,
Doing every little chore,
The thought of you stays bright.
Sometimes I stand
In the middle of the floor,
Not going left,
Not going right.
I dim the lights
And think about you,
Spend sleepless nights
To think about you.
You said you loved me,
Or were you just being kind?
Or am I losing my mind?
I want you so,
It's like I'm losing my mind.
Does no one know?
It's like I'm losing my mind.
All afternoon,
Doing every little chore,
The thought of you stays bright.
Sometimes I stand
In the middle of the floor,
Not going left,
Not going right.
I dim the lights
And think about you,
Spend sleepless nights
To think about you.
You said you loved me,
Or were you just being kind!
Or am I losing my mind?
Fan... Fan... Fantastic !!!


13年了, 跟她一起拍拖5年到結婚8年, 真的一同經歷過很多很多…
有過很多次想放棄這段感情/婚姻, 但最後還是走在一起,
竟然讓我遇上另一個她, 令我變得真的很笨…

先說說和太太之間的問題, 她是一個很賢慧的人, 從她身上, 我學會了很多, 人也變得完備了. 縱使在拍拖的5年間, 我們之間只可以親熱而冇性行為, 我也尊重她, 等到結婚後才去做那個. 我是她的唯一一個男人, 而在她之前, 我有過數個女朋友, 也有一定的性經驗. 我想不用多說, 你們也大概猜到我與她之間的問題, 用過很多方法, 看過醫生, 見過婚姻輔導, 花了5年的時間, 還是不行… (Mainly because she didn’t have much 決心 to face and handle the problem, she thought we can still love each other without sex. Also her job was too demanding and she always felt tired after work… a lot of reason or excuse… sometimes I hated her a lot and want to give up our marriage)

在這期間, 我開始學人出去玩, 得了暗病(皮膚病), 傳染了她, 好內疚, 心想一切也可以完了, 也不用再拖拖拉拉下去,那便離婚吧.

但到最後,她原諒了我,也決定放棄工作跟我一起到外國生活, 從新開始我們的婚姻.

在這3年之間, 我們的關係變得好了不少, 雖然在性方面, 還不算十分美滿, 但一切也漸入佳境, 慢慢改善中.

就在我們關係最好的時候, 理論上, 不應該可以容納另一個她…

But she bumped into my life. I don’t really know why I am falling into her.

We love to stay in a café and do nothing for a day; we go out and drink together. She knew that I am married and she met my wife. We understand we can only be good friend and we both tried very hard to maintain our relationship in just good friend.

But finally, I did something stupid… we hug and kiss each other…

現在, 我竟然想放棄我的太太去和她一起… 真的很笨…




那只好放棄她… 她也想我們只是好朋友…

但在我俩心深處, 我們也有同一樣的感覺, 對方就是你一生等待的人…

damn it…

相關搜索目錄: 結婚
Fan... Fan... Fantastic !!!




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