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[檔案] 井底蛙遊踪之五 ---- CP HM SN (流水賬)

Suddently go time yesterday, so I went to CP.  Thanks to all contribution of ideas on this thread, I had a number of choices, but as I got there too early, I went for a "real" foot massage at the Hui Mei Foot Massage Centre, which is interestingly enough next to KY SN, not HM.  Got a cute- looking girl number  @@, and she is really good.  Those who can stand the pain can  try her as she can make you feel really painful, but also comfortable and relacing, when it over !!  Then I struggled between HM and KY, and finally decided on HM.  Apparenly, they changed to Police (Gong An) uniform.  The first two rounds are awful as these are not really what you expected after reading all the good things from this thread !  The third round spotted a relatively tall , but no smile on the face, the fourth round got me what I wanted.  Very cute and talkative and teasing all the time.  Got a coupon when I left, makes me wonder if I can use it on HM or GL ?  Does anyone know  ?




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