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[原創] 小甜是我至喜愛的SM女王

Reply to #105

If you just looking for fun then i'd say OWK is not the place for you to visit. It is a very serious place for Female to enjoy male submissive / slave in any way they want.


Reply to # 109

OWK is in Cze. Republic near Germany. If you want to go then why don't you send an email to OWK and ask them directly. From what i read in your messages here, OWK may not be the place for you.


Reply to #111

Sorry i can't help you, again it would be better if you contact OWK directly in order to gather the first hand information instead of heard from 3rd person. Don't forget show your respect in your message. Since you can speak and write in English then it should not be a problem for you.




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