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[上樓骨] 沙巴海岸

Visit there today and saw three bosses, Ling, Yoyo & Gigi.

Eventually tried a new BG named ah Hung....I personally like her skill which is pretty forceful to relieve plain of my shoulders.


原帖由 long_dum 於 2010-6-29 11:49 發表

Tried 可兒, actullay is not that young but also not a C9, may be the place is too dark that didin't see clearly last time. However, she is still a pretty girl, and bone skill is OK although she sa ...
I also tried 可兒 and completely agree on your comment.



[ 本帖最後由 Y2K_ 於 2010-8-2 13:21 編輯 ]


Heard from Gigi and ah Ling last week that Joey will report on duty today but I cannot manage to visit 沙巴. Will try later on & thanks for the update.


原帖由 messenger 於 2010-8-10 16:43 發表

Joey will come until today, Aug 11....
Do you mean she will be off from 12 Aug? What's a pity!


原帖由 messenger 於 2010-8-11 02:24 發表
No...I mean Joey will come today and Lisa has arrived yesterday.
I got it, thanks.


Tried SaSa=Bingbing=姍姍 & Lisa over last two visits, both with acceptance outlook but bone skill are a bit green to me. Anyway, quite good experience on the whole of it.


I saw Joey eventually and she should be a heavy smoker , it really let me down.


I know some other smoker in 沙巴 too but they are not as smelly as her.
Wishing that she will perform better then.
Anyway, Ling said her bone skill is the best in 沙巴 and she have a lot of customers.


I managed to find 小燕 some days ago even though she is not the kind of very forceful BG according to Ling. To my surpise, 小燕 is quite nice to master pain of my shoulders with bonus that she is really playful to me as well. By the way, I saw a new BG BoBo passing the corridor and seems to be nice looking.


It is nice to have both Ling & 燕 for around 20 mins today, Ling focus on upper body while 燕 taking care of my lower body. What a experience, and I am totally relax after that.
Skill set of Ling is unbeatable to me.


可兒 this gal improve alot by comparing to the first time i did her.
She is more forceful & accurate to get her elbow to the right acupoints,
surely she fall into my redo list.


Seems 可兒 has many supporters!


Girls I find there are 可兒, 燕, bobo, 容容, 珍珍, seems Kei Kei, Cici do not exist any more. Hoping that more BGs will join 沙巴 soon hence I have a longer wish list then.


原帖由 楊過之子 於 2010-11-11 03:30 發表

不能上下其手, 可惜, 可惜, 不設漫遊
Really? I don't think so.


Today have luck to try a new gal named Miu miu.
She looks cute with curvy body even though in tanned skin.
Her bone skill is also nice by using her elbow, knee & toes to massage my upper back.
Body is good with emphasis on her tits, hips & smooth skin.
I like her sweet smile & friendly attitude too.
She may be the prettiest and youngest one now here in this place.


原帖由 楊過之子 於 2010-11-11 15:40 發表

I don't think so x 2.


New BG 雪兒 have nice bone skill and equipped with a pair of big tits, and she is really playful, even though a bit too mature.
Also have a quick look of Fanny, seems nice too, will find a chance to try her on.


原帖由 Redtshirt 於 2010-11-18 07:40 發表
I think I marked this 雪兒 a month ago, not really new but I agree your description on her.  bone skill, nice but not very good and forceful.  I experience the same and add one more point: proactive.
Not quite sure about that since I was the one as usual.


New bobo? or the current one?


Miu Miu is very hot there at the moment despite the face that she is a quite tanned


Nicole may be renamed to Ah May.

Did a new BG Ada with nice bone skill, just a bit too shy.


Nicole's legs is quite nice.


Her name is Miko instead.


I saw ho yee, miko, jojo, dan dan & bobo by middle of this week.
And a Vietnam bg came for an interview, she may report on duty later on.


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