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[­ì³Ð] ¥i±¤ "¦o" ¬O¤ôµÓ®y

¦^´_ #26 ¯P¤õ ªº©«¤l

Envy your courage to drive from Guangdong to Hu Bei alone only for pleasing a girl you like.  Don't stop, and let us know what had happened then.


­ì©«¥Ñ PlaySafe ©ó 2007-1-11 11:01 AM µoªí



This is a very rude criticism, if you don't agree with the moves of others, just ignore it but not giving this sarcastic saying to hurt ¯P¤õ¥S.  You are not the one who falls in love with that girl, you have no right to judge ¯P¤õ¥S from your position.




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