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[原創] 餓鬼遇著奸雞

原帖由 eddiech 於 2010-9-20 01:22 發表

係咁, 我可能係比啲 4仔誤導咗, 以為只用係條囡度.

不過我就絕對無興趣啦, 咁即係話我插完佢妹妹之後, 跟住就比佢插返我後花園. 亦唔敢想被插個感覺如何.

我話佢奸係因為第一, 佢自稱係剛掛 ...
oh , in fact, there are some SNs (like gold dragon xxxxxx in CA)   who have dildos , like fake dick (1 piece), fake dick (mounted on girls waist), and vibrators.  If you have ordered 2 girls (3p or 2x2), then the two girls will play lesbian in front of you, 1 with fake dick (1 piece, about 1.5 feet long with heads at both ends) having girls at both ends of the dick and then, one will put on the fake dick mounted on girls' waist and then, one pretends to be a man fxxking the others.  It was quite eye-opening to us (we are playing 2M2F) ....

Those were the days. I think no SNs would dare to do this now. some of them have to close down or operate low-key..

[ 本帖最後由 denny2000 於 2010-9-20 06:15 編輯 ]




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