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[原創] 統一台灣的理由是....?

The appalling mentality Taiwan people

I have worked in Taiwan for a few years, and I know many people there are still much affected by those years of occupation by the Japs. Taiwan is probably the only place in the world that admire Japan so much.

Why they want independence? Quite simple, because they consider the mainland is a poor relative. They are still thinking Taiwan is much better than the mainland, and most stuff from the mainland is no good and stands for poor quality. They are still thinking about the times when they were still in the mainland. I have also worked many years in the mainland, and in fact it is more capitalist than Taiwan in a sense if you know what I mean. Taiwan, they want to make money out from the mainland, but they are so scared about it because they are thinking themselves more superior.

If the mainland is Japan, the people in Taiwan will more than Jubilant to return to the motherland for sure.

What politican has Taiwan produced after all these years of so called democracy? Its a Joke.
Hey man! Take it easy, its all right!



原帖由 Georgio 於 2006-9-3 02:39 PM 發表
回歸到樓主的題目: 統一台灣的裡由是...?

中共統治下的大陸要統一台灣, 反對的人包括台灣人,美國人, 日本人....等

大陸人 ...
so after all you have said, I figure you are for unification, right?

I reckon the keyword is "China is to unify". Not the two different government. or two different parties.  If the people are all considering themselves CHINESE, then unification is possible. Nowadays, many people in taiwan somehow consider they are not "chinese"....!
Hey man! Take it easy, its all right!


原帖由 Georgio 於 2006-9-3 02:58 PM 發表

By the effort of Chinese communist, lots of people think Chinese is meaning people of "PRC"

Taiwanese is not under PRC, so Taiwanese refuse admit they are Chinese, which means Taiw ...
That is a wrong concept, Chinese has been used for generations in China, before all communist were born.

I do not  recall that the PRC government said Chinese means people of the PRC.

Anyway, brother, its not important. The key is to get all chinese admit they are of the chinese race / family. do not fight among ourselves, i think this is the weakest part of us. a race must unify to have strength.

it would be silly to distinguish ourselves as hong kong islander, ho man tiner, mong koker, lamma islander, sha tiner, taipoer, etc....and it is just as silly to apply the same for china.
Hey man! Take it easy, its all right!


原帖由 Georgio 於 2006-9-15 08:08 AM 發表


台灣所有人民都反獨裁專政的中共政權, 現在的中共多有錢呀?  台灣人民怎麼會閒中共窮?

by the way, 中共唔係台灣既老豆, 唔好搞唔清楚.
As someone who has worked in Taiwan in the past few years, I like to comment that most people still consider mainland China is poor and consider mainland inferior to Taiwan. This is also a fact because at least 90% of people in the mainland make less money than people in Taiwan.

No offence, just to let you know my first hand information.
Hey man! Take it easy, its all right!




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