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Candy 香檳大廈B座

Candy 香檳大廈B座

姓名: Candy
樣貌: 4/5 (1-3 yrs ago) 3/5 now
身材: 4/5
技術: 4/5
服務: 5/5 her attutide and service are very good!!
過程: 1:15pm 14/2 Firstly want to try Coco of BLK A, called twice but no answer. so call this Candy and booked. her body looks good in photos. first time try her but i don't like "wash-bldg" so trust the photos.

i think she is 28-32 yrs-old. she said that she is 朝鮮race(one little race in
North-east China). her face still looks ok, smooth skin but some fire-scar
at the back of right-big-leg. she wash my body & give me "water-bj" then
she towel dry my body.

part 1 - bone skill just ok, rpp ok part 2 - good bm, she is willing to give another rpp when requested. turn around & bm again. ice+fire bj then
change bed. then is similar process. she is willing to change styles.

總結: 4/5

上唔上得過(是/否)? Yes
返啅指數: 6-7/10

sorry for copied format! hope this report help!


forget to mension the price : HK$588


dear bro bgfantasy,
thanks for your reply! i m not good at guessing age of girl.
do u hv any recommendation(s) for young BG with good rpp skill?




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