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Big storm in China --- SZ to GZ to TJ to Shanghai...Bros please watch out!

Big storm in China --- SZ to GZ to TJ to Shanghai...Bros please watch out!

To: all brothers:

I was in Tianjian and Shanghai 2 weeks ago and seems all activities are DEAD!

Heard from local people it is due to the Aug 01 holiday and Oct 01 National Day
event, that govt want everything to be clean off since it is the 60th birthday of
PRC, therefore please watch yourself while you are having fun!!!

Also Shenzhen and surroundings + Guangzhou are in trouble too, so do hold
back all unnecessary activities to be safe.  A friend of mine was in a sauna
enjoying the service ( a normal one ) and suddenly the door was opened by
a GA and fortunately he had done nothing yet so he is not caught, otherwise
may get in trouble too.....

So take care everyone.....


回復 3# 的帖子

Yes brother HJ is fine but we were advised not to do overnite.....


回復 6# 的帖子

Bingo...you got it! All big towns were hit, Shanghai, BeiJing, Tian Jian, Shenzhen, DongGuan, Guangzhou, Foshan...you name it...especially those FAMOUS place and major towns, those in the smalll towns are RELATIVELY (small and not famous ) safe...


回復 14# 的帖子

Yes may be those places you go did not get raided yet, but look at the news paper from lastweek you can see those Discos or Ktvs that had drugs involved ( like Queen's Rd East in Futian ) is the first rated places to hit, so watch your back when you have fun...as you always do!


回復 8# 的帖子

This week is different la.....




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