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[調查] 你每月洗幾錢係囡囡身上

Big Spenders ! when they see u, u must be like hoeny to those bees !


Brother supertora, can u share how to get so many virgins and where, if u don't mind ?


五十粒 enough to buy 2 flats in China !

日本導遊一年後便買樓 - is this job really so good !?

doctor 呢類階層的人士 can afford far more than we can imagine ! Surely not 15-20K but maybe 150 - 200K !

I stll think 10% of income (as suggested by Bro Peninsula) is a sensible amount .


No need to reduce spending. Earn more lah
Earnmore= less time for playing= spend less

half a million for over 10 years of pleasure is still good price. Better calculate how many girls / holes you have tried and how many seeds you have spread...


Wah ! Brother Netken, thanks for the long reply.

If your friend can get girls so easily , he is not just lucky, there must be some other reasons. 扮哂情聖 maybe his strengh ?
Many people do not call chicken, of course they can spend less on girls lah. I mean if doctors want to call chicken, they can spend much much more than ordinary folks.




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