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I tried Yuen Yuen yesterday.  Girl is soso, but for the price in SHanghai, it is money well pay.  Full 90 mins with HJ at last.  BG is pleasant.  Worth to try if you have nothing to do at night in the hotel room.


My experience with out-calling service varies.  Sometime okay, sometimes disappointed.  Never very good.  So you need to know what to expect.  If the BG suppose to provide HJ but ask for tips, I will immediately call the agent and have the agent deal with her.  If still not comply, kick her out, end of story.

One of the better time I have for BG inside the hotel room is I just asked those from SN to come.  Those may cost more, but not as much as MTV or NC.  They know they cannot ask more than the price in SN because, they are not providing all services as in Sn and they will get everything from the customer.  My experience is 500 for 1 q and 1000 for overnight is a norm price.


­ì©«¥Ñ ¦Ñ¦¿´ò ©ó 2007-11-6 04:32 µoªí
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Total damage 300

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¦^´_ #234 cs ªº©«¤l

c-hing, ½Ð°Ý¬O¨º¶¡°s©±?

¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: °s©±


­ì©«¥Ñ Lamborghini ©ó 2008-5-20 01:41 µoªí

Yes, you are right, $2000 may get a quality girl from Ks, but I only stay SH 2 days and lazy go to Ks, another reason is I like to try the MM who are not working in entertainment industry, let¡¦ ...
Likeyourself, I like to try girl who are not fulltimer in that industry.  I called Ms Zhou and Tony before, all the U student they brought me are fake.  One of the girls confirmed that with me.  The sad part is most of the girl they brought me did not worth the $$.  However, the out call service seldom disappoint me.

One thing need to share with the brothers.  Last week, I call Pei Pei and asked for Lai Lai.  She asked me had I tried her before, I told her no.  Half hour before the appoitnment, a BG called me to confirm the time.  I asked her what her name is.  She told me a name different from Lai Lai.  She told me Pei Pei refer me to her.  Guess Pei Pei can find any BG to subtitute those whom we have not met.  I canceled the appointment and may never use Pei Pei again.


­ì©«¥Ñ kiddo_sh ©ó 2008-5-20 22:38 µoªí
Brothers, I had similar bad experience when I called PeiPei for the first time last week.  I asked for LeiLei and eventually came Xiao Yu at the door step!  She was not that pretty at all, but &quo ...
I felt for your experience.  Well, we can might as well kiss Pei Pei goodbye.  So far, Anan is the best "operator."  Though she does noit have  many new BG and some are no longer working for her.  Laojianghu, any update from you?


LJW,  ½Ð°ÝĬ¦{¦³ÉN¤Wªù?  §Ú¤U­Ó¤ë¥hĬ¦{, ­«¥H¬°SZ¬OSuzhou, ­ì¨Ó¬OShenzhen.


¦^´_ 1337# ªº©«¤l

¸©¸© & ¥ì¿Õ ¬O¤£¬O¦P¤@­Ó¤H?


LJW,  Will there be much change during the CNY?  Expecially for the availability of JS.  Thank-you.



Will be in Shanghai mid of Feb.  Hope still have some JS left.


¦^´_ 5166# ªº©«¤l


ÁöµM¤@­ÓÄ@¥´, ¤@­ÓÄ@±º¡C


¦^´_ 5554# ªº©«¤l

So, who and where should one know and go?


­ì©«¥Ñ shanghaiexpat ©ó 2015-5-29 16:32 µoªí ¤@ŸÄ¤p时¡A¤@¬¶©Î¦h¬¶¡Aɲ钱¤£¤@ý©¡]¥Ñ1000¨ì1600 ¤£µ¥¡^¡C¦ý¤k¤k³£¬Opart time model¡A¤@¥y¨ì§À¡Gý©靓¨­§÷¥¿


Call Tao Tao on my last trip, she sent me the site and with blind-folded pic of js.  Have one come but not as expected.  A bit too old and fair look.  Guess it all depends on luck

Hopfully will try the girls from mami next week.

Anan had some young model, as she said, and ask for 3,000 for a quick meal.  Pics look great, anyone tried?


¦^´_ 5618# ªº©«¤l

Will try.  Thanks for the tips.




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