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[調查] 你每月洗幾錢係囡囡身上

睇完各c hing 的回覆, 開眼界, 增見聞!  

我用大概8-10k, 看出trip有冇時間, 有就洗多d, 收入嗎...20-30k, 重要供樓, 每月meng meng緊, 但趁可以享受的時侯, ......  我不想老了後悔.

Where to got virgin for 2k?  Are they real, pretty?  Good thing about them is not to worry about sickness and save $ for condoms


原帖由 oldfella 於 2006-12-11 01:54 AM 發表
No need to reduce spending. Earn more lah
Earnmore= less time for playing= spend less

half a million for over 10 years of pleasure is still good price. Better calculate h ...
I think if one does not spend for joy in this area, he will spend the $$ on other area.  May be more, may be less.  Everyone has his own preference for entertainment.  If having fun with mm, bg... suits you, let's do it and no regrets.




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