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Cameron Road upstair club

Cameron Road upstair club

Any Bro can tell me..

I saw 3 good stuff went downstair at Cameron road, near  Carnervon Road, seems mushrooms $500 Club
anybody can tell

and how about that at upstair of Sunny Island , how much


原帖由 PAULOVE 於 2007-9-14 00:21 發表
Any Bro can tell me..

I saw 3 good stuff went downstair at Cameron road, near  Carnervon Road, seems mushrooms $500 Club
anybody can tell

and how about that at upstair of Sunny Island , how  ...
Is it the "Sing-a-long" Club?


回復 #1 PAULOVE 的帖子

actually there is a lot of PRC girls (group of 2 or 3) around Cameron Road and they will go through Karaoke club there for business.  Usually they are tied to several clubs there.


原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-9-17 15:37 發表

Is it the "Sing-a-long" Club?
I think he's talking about 夜巴黎


回復 #4 auriga00 的帖子

夜巴黎 has no stairs and the life will go to g/f, so maybe another and these days 夜巴黎 is quite worn out and no good la ...... unlike 15 years ago, it was pretty wild and good


原帖由 auriga00 於 2007-9-18 02:48 發表

I think he's talking about 夜巴黎
yes, should be 夜巴黎, diagonally opposite to Hang Seng bank
girls quality so good, i dont care decoration

how much, pls advise


did a student girl in 聲雅廊 10 years ago, 3:00pm there, play to 5:00pm,  went through the narrow short-cut to Victoria happy....then bring her home at Tsuen Wan by taking MTR, and went to Parken shop shopping for her mama making dinner

wonderful memory




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