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我的初次海联 3P 經驗

原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-10-18 10:53 發表

Thanks for report on )).

Most have 震蛋 but sometimes, they don't take out for customers. You may have to ask. So your no. 1 is still @ followed by ), right?
You are right. The ranking remains unchanged.

When shall we brothers go together for duckie and doggie? It is a good experience to mess around together with you.


原帖由 def_lo 於 2007-10-18 15:43 發表

一. 狗仔將杯奶當水咁玩, 但%*將奶茶背部然後用c乃
二. 狗仔個袋有震蛋但上次就冇用, %*有麰曮Y震蛋而係按摩棒
三. 狗仔會逐隻手指用口洗乾淨, 但%*就冇

最低限度有以上分別, 所以估係因客而異, 定係由 ...
她倆是否系出同門, 我不大清楚! 但表現各異, 可以找出原因!

建議: 和她倆 3P, 然後 invite ! 作監場。 相信這樣可以知道真相!

[ 本帖最後由 icheng609 於 2007-10-18 15:54 編輯 ]



原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-10-18 15:56 發表

Then, I prefer no. 1 & 2 of %*
No matter with whom, I must insist using sex tools as part of the service next time!


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-10-18 16:01 發表

It's your right as loyal customer la!
It only shows I have been an ignorant greenhorn in the past!


原帖由 Ash_Tray 於 2007-10-22 15:24 發表

Tried doggie at about 14:00 on Oct 17.

She is not so pretty as I expected, but her service was super, just like all your guys which mentioned here.
Welcome to oru cum brother team, bro. Ash-tray.......


原帖由 Ash_Tray 於 2007-10-22 15:24 發表

Tried doggie at about 14:00 on Oct 17.

She is not so pretty as I expected, but her service was super, just like all your guys which mentioned here.
Please tell usmore about her "super service" given to you last time, OK? Sharing of good experuience is the most important over here.


原帖由 gelato 於 2007-10-23 09:29 發表
YCOT or MCOT? Different strokes for different folks...

FYI. The photos of doggie has been updated  in xxx161.
Right......... and this set of photo is far more better than the last one. Thanks for your update.


原帖由 def_lo 於 2007-10-23 11:48 發表
Agreed.  The pics of doggie look more like the real person.  But, just wonder if there are 2 %* as the pic and the real person that I met look like different to each other.
@* looks much more atractive in the photo...........

It will be nice to have 3P with Doggie and @* if we don't mind spending 900 bucks.


原帖由 jjchan218 於 2007-10-23 12:12 發表

@* is too professional and too busy now!!!!
However, she is one of  the "must try list" for our new brother.
But not me now unless no alternative!!!!
jj, I want to ask for your opinion. For the next time, should I:

1. get duckie or doggie,
2. try the model again, or
3. get newbie as introduced?


原帖由 ericwong4362 於 2007-10-25 02:39 發表

Dear Eric,

I hope my brief report will be just in time for you.......

On Wednesday, I went with Bro. Pen for another venture to HL.........

Before going there, we had lunch woth Sung to get the fresh information on the status of girls' availability. It seemed not too many good stuff were available.

To play safe, I chose my little Doggie and he trusted my last report and got the little duckie.

The feeling with Doggie was just wonderful. I had my body scratched with blood line at the end. You guys can imagine how "vigorous" the battle was! It lasted for totally 100 minutes.

When I met Pen in the waiting lounge, he just kept on smiling, showing he was heartily contented with the performance of Duckie. But he commented that Duckie was superb "technically" and a bit inferior to Doggie's service with "heart"...............


原帖由 jjchan218 於 2007-10-26 10:46 發表

What a wonderful trip you have taken recently!!!!

I do hope that we three can have the party over there next time.


原帖由 jjchan218 於 2007-10-26 11:18 發表

I hope so.  But, you must sure that Sung can make a special arrangement for all of us.
I don't think it is a major problem for Sung to make such arrangement. It is her job!


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-10-26 16:19 發表

And Sung is very professional at that!
Just wonder if any brother can hook Sung one day.......!


原帖由 Happy+Man 於 2007-10-29 10:15 發表

It might be you
No la........... I have already told her that she will never be my target..........!


原帖由 fengliu 於 2007-10-30 22:16 發表
try no.( yesterday , feel good, will try again
Of course la............. doggie is one of the best over there.......... and my idol girl, too.


原帖由 fengliu 於 2007-10-31 22:18 發表

Report in more details, please..........


Young, fresh and cutie --- 66

Yesterday afternoon, I took another trip to HL. Doggie was on her M leave and Duckie was engeged. Sung recommended 66 to me......... The following is what I get from her:

年青貌美 (**** 1/2*)
19 歲的她, 仍在扑扑脆之年! 而且她長得和年齢十分相稱, 一面青春氣息而畧帶稚氣, 和她相處, 頓覺年輕了不少!  '白裡透紅的蛋面, 斯文帶羞的微笑, 給她回報了不少分數, 好料!

清新可愛 (****)
她的年輕給她帶來不少賣点 --- 細膩而白滑的肌膚、 粉紅而細小的乳尖和緊密的一綫 gap, 都強烈地增加她的可 cheuk 性,

身段均衡 (****1/2*)
她的身體綫條很美、 很美! 尤其在做波推時橫俯在床上不停地蠕动, 是视覺的至高享受! 100%走肥而不瘦, 恰到好处的椒乳, 合比例而覺修長的双腿, 極品也!

工夫細膩 (****)
她的工夫很細膩, 动作篇幅小但很詳盡! 小舌尖非常靈活, 服務招式層次分明, 雖沒有翻江倒海的 wild sex 享受, 但点点細雨、 如沐春風, 很温柔的动作, 帶來至温馨的感覺, 甚至 pdd 時亦令人感到優美的節奏,好嘢!

態度誠懇 (*** 1/2*)
她工作時表現出來的無微不至的細心、 服務時帶出來的一絲不苟的態度, 都令我感到舒暢萬分! 遺憾是少了一分激情, 奈何!


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-11-6 11:27 發表

Great report. Must try before I go on long vacation!
I think she is YCOT if you don't mind she is not wild enough!


原帖由 Happy+Man 於 2007-11-6 14:42 發表

Her photos on THE site is not attractive, is that her?
Yes........... but she looks too mature and "leung" in the photo. The real person gives you entirely different feeling!


原帖由 Happy+Man 於 2007-11-6 15:12 發表

I see thanks
In fact, the info on site is with mistake. She is born in 88 but the ad shows she is 20 years old.


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-11-8 10:17 發表

Tried no. ^^ yesterday.

Basically, everything was same as what icheng described. Her skills were above average, just a bit mechanical but she has a very soft body and PDD was good. Very quiet  ...
Glad to know that you enjoyed her service. And I'll try to move to another SN today to explore our world wider. Perhaps HL is really a world which is too small.

[ 本帖最後由 icheng609 於 2007-11-8 10:48 編輯 ]


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-11-8 10:56 發表

Waiting for good news! Which one?
I had been to the SN in Meilin.......... with different experience from HL......... will report separately!


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-11-9 08:56 發表

Waiting with anticipation!
Chk PM..........


昨天再抽空去HL update 一吓資料, 有如下可供分享..........

可能因為有梅林 SN 的經驗, 眼界開了, 自然要求也高了, 不幸地, 從前感覺是 "最佳" 的天地, 在心中的分數卻下滑了.............

在硬件方面, 僅可接受的 non-star rated 房間, 若果和一间 fully equiped 的水晶房比較, 根本是對后者的侮辱! Hardware 的不堪卻肯定 downgrade 了享受! 沒有熱石水床, 囡囡侍浴的享受性已大打折扣! 沒有音响和迷你舞池設备, 囡囡的性誘亦不能发揮! 很怀念梅林的一切!

在軟件方面, Duckie 已離去, doggie 己有点膩了 (男人的通病), Lulu 巳走...........等等,人才有一種凋零的感覺....... 上次選的 ^^ 和今次挑的@^, 是温柔有餘而瘋狂/滛蕩不足, 奈何! 反之梅林的@^^提供的17式, 雖然亦有些少 "吞卜", 但在官能上和感覺上給我帶來新的性享受, 使我更有改变主場的衝動!

當然, 在价錢方面和地理條件, HL 仍是佔優的! 希望它能在軟件方面作出革命性改進, 以保存優勢, 給我等鳼蟲提供滿意的性排洪選擇!

相關搜索目錄: 水晶


原帖由 7-siu 於 2007-11-16 10:09 發表
此乃 "覺昨非而今是" 之謂也.............

其实, 在有限的客觀條件下, HL 仍是一個不錯的選擇!




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