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There are ground rules for the forum. As long as they are well observed, respected and obeyed, I can't see there is any problem at all.

To be fair is the most important policy in maintaining the forum. Being bias may kill the forum!


原帖由 anakin 於 2007-9-24 15:59 發表

不欢迎洗版,廣告,推post= kill the forum?
Agree........... we should keep the forum a decent place by observing all the rules and regulations.

相關搜索目錄: 廣告


原帖由 anakin 於 2007-9-24 16:44 發表

So, 欢迎洗版,廣告,推post will let the forum 健康 ?
Of course not..........

We can define clearly the meaning of 洗版,廣告 and 推post and state clearly the penalty against each one by elabotating the ground rule of the forum.

相關搜索目錄: 廣告


As long as there are ground rules and they are fully obeyed, I can't see any problem. If rules are violated, Bro. Kau Kee will raise his comment, concern, reminder or even penalty. I think this is already adequate to saveguard the forum.

Different people may have various perception on others' reports. They never deploy their self-criticism mechanism and just aim at attacking others. For a gentleman like you, why are you so serious about this kind of ignorance.


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-9-28 08:54 發表

I want to point out the facts and ask brothers to be OBJECTIVE in their assessments and criticisms. This is a good forum so don't let the minority spoil it for the majority! :w ...
You have your point.......... I just want to stay in peace, know more friends with common interest and enjoy my experience sharing over here --- nothing more and nothing less.


原帖由 求其 於 2007-10-3 14:17 發表

虽然讨论应该包括吹水、聊天的,但吹水、聊天不是讨ť ...
既然同意讨论应该包括吹水、聊天的,雖然吹水、聊天不是讨论的全部, 但亦沒有犯版規, 又何苦太眼淺呢?


原帖由 求其 於 2007-10-4 16:16 發表

如果一个版只靠版规来GOVERN,而当中没有自重、自觉,支持版面文化的版友,这个版听执了!你们做的是没有犯版规,但就拉低了版的& ...
I still insist that the perception and tolerance for various people is not the same. That is why the ground rule is so important. In football game, there is a case of 合法衝撞" which is legal and acceptable, though it seems to be "tough" (粗野) to a number of people.

If any rule is violated, inform me or warn me. If no such rule, set it up (if appropriate). If no, then just let the show move on. OK?!


原帖由 xocatII 於 2007-10-5 13:07 發表
Pls follow what 求其 has mentioned.  If you want to say something, try to search and follow the corresponding thread to reply.  Thanks.
This ground rule is observed and obeyed.......... Thanks.




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