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我的初次海联 3P 經驗

原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-9-11 16:07 發表

Something like that but if trainees, they may not have played double at HL. Anyway, let's see what happens tomorrow.
I think most of the new gals do not have double-fly partners..............


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-9-11 16:16 發表

NEW ma so just there for a few days and cannot even get customers, let alone have double fly experience although these trainees may have tried "double" from where they came from. Many a ...
Perhaps a fairly experienced gal (such as @*) can demonstrate the trainee how to do properly and optimize the level of enjoyment bor..........


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-9-11 16:19 發表

Or master trainer no. !
That is right............... she is definitely OK except a bit aged over there..........


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-9-11 16:22 發表

Let's see if I want to "eat" her again!
There is no harm "eating" her.......... and the result is quaranteed. Why not?


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-9-11 16:28 發表

But you know, men like to try fresh things sometimes unless they are gems like Doggie, Ah May and Tung Tung.
And I like "digging" up more gems......... that is why I keep on trying different girls all the time.


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-9-11 16:32 發表

WIN some LOSE some. Trial and error la. Need more brothers to update on HL.
Right........... if HL is with more high quality gals providing excellent services, more and more brothers will join the line, and more updates will be available.


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-9-11 16:37 發表

HL can be quite busy sometimes. Longest wait for me was 30 minutes+. BTW, can you book with Captain Sung on my behalf so she gets a reward too?
Done........... and the room will be reserved for us so that we don't have to worry if HL is full house.


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-9-11 16:43 發表

Thanks again! Hope can have fun tomorrow. Want to check out 4/F first. I still recall no. !^@ .
I hope she'll be on day shift tomorrow..........


原帖由 jjchan218 於 2007-9-11 18:38 發表

Who are the Ah May & Tung Tung.  
Could I have their number please.
Ah May is a legend 141 at Jordan famous for her attitude and skill and excellent hospitality.............

Tung Tung is a 141 on HK side which is MCOT........


原帖由 hifithebest 於 2007-9-11 19:41 發表
can any one pm me the HL address???

thanks a lot


原帖由 jjchan218 於 2007-9-11 18:36 發表

The choice is on your hand.
Should there is no suitable one for 3P, it is better stick to 2P as the cooperation of other 2 partners in 3P is very important. It will change the whole atmosphe ...
And your 3P experience over there last time was admirable ane enviable!


原帖由 jjchan218 於 2007-9-12 09:44 發表

I am sure you will not regret today!!!!
My only regret is that our party is without jj today!


原帖由 jjchan218 於 2007-9-12 10:09 發表

Chance is always there!!!
You just teach them a lesson for me today and let us have your GREAT REPORT afterward!!!!!!!
I don't think my report is great at all.................... I just want to share my actual experience with you guys.


Tried another HL gal yesterday afternoon........... and this time, being not in the best shape and condition, just a one-to-one game.

She's from Wu Nam with NE blood......... slim and tall, 100% fat free, attractive face and smile.

Her skin complexion looks dark and healthy --- in fact, she likes sports, esp. badminton and disco dance. She was really seductive when performing sexy dance in tub while bathing me. I really had a hard-on and wanted to get her done at that instance.

Being flirted, I could not help my self and requested for the first entry before the semi DG service. She reacted vigorously and showed her eagerness to ml. She was a good rider by 100%, riding on me in different positions, and her waist moved with strength and rythm. I finished the first game by missionary position with many deep and shallow strokes that drove her to climax. She's really watery..........

Then we held each other in bed for some time, chatting various topics, tickling, caressing.............

Then followed by the semi DG style service.............. I had my second hard on and, of course, we did the thing that we both wanted to do again ---ML.  Once again, we both got satisfied. But we had our game over-run and the telephone bell reminded us of the time was up!

Her only setback to me ---- she has  小籠包!

相關搜索目錄: Dance Disco


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-9-13 08:58 發表

Seems quite good. I like 小籠包. Any PDD? Now I know the full story as you were in a hurry to leave yesterday.

I went to a proper massage after some drinks/food and was "hard" half ...
Yes....... the PDD was good........... with mini jelly pudding first and then "corn" soft candy...........


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-9-13 08:58 發表

Seems quite good. I like 小籠包. Any PDD? Now I know the full story as you were in a hurry to leave yesterday.

I went to a proper massage after some drinks/food and was "hard" half ...
I guess you should have gone for !^@ after your meal to have the third meal. Haha!


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-9-13 09:05 發表

I would have considered but then, I should be finished @10:30 pm and too late la.
I"ll try the HL edible very soon........


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-9-13 09:17 發表

Make sure you book first with Captain Sung. Yes, Sung is nice and Captain Lisa is OK too but maybe too thin for your liking!
With respect to figure and smile, I prefer Sung........


原帖由 jjchan218 於 2007-9-13 09:33 發表

I am waiting for your report with no. !
Be fair to us, bro. Pen, that you should write at least something...........


原帖由 jjchan218 於 2007-9-13 10:00 發表

C Hing,
You are correct. BBJ of No. ! is excellent. You cannot feel any her teeth when she was doing the BJ and her tongue is moving around which make you not easy sustain! ...
That's why she is the Master Trainer la.........


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-9-13 10:17 發表

Exactly. Riding skill is very good too!
It si always fun to have ! in 3P game........ and the trainee is guaranteed to perform well.


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-9-13 10:28 發表

No. ! told me she prefer "solo" wor.
Because she enjoyed "dapping" you so much ma.........


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-9-13 11:07 發表

She said some double act became a joke as the trainee just watched most of the time!
But as a master trainer, she should know which gal can be good partner for 3P. I still insist that she did not want other gals to share you with her.


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-9-13 11:20 發表

But if good partner, cost may become $900. Too much la!
I mean which trainee can be good partner as she is the one who train them.


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-9-13 11:23 發表

Not the 2 trainees we saw yesterday. I asked already!
But they are not that bad apparently.




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