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我的初次海联 3P 經驗



美哉鴨仔, 海联首選,
身裁標準, 技術峰巔;
外型狂野, 曲发披肩;
十足走肥, 膚色健康;
吸手小籠, 惹人慾念;
樣貌姣好, 齒白紅唇;
一綫宝隙, 芳草淒淒;
鮮鮑味美, 生猛新鮮;
津如甘露; 味道甚甜。
少時夢伴, 如今出現!

妙哉鴨仔, 以客為尊!
活潑可愛; 態度為先,
浴室艷舞, 水中吹簫;
口技非凡, 着着搶先;
青蜒点水, 天外飛仙;
東莞絕技, 活現眼前;
狂騎胯下, 深深淺淺;
氣喘標汗, 滛態萬千;
潮吹亦至, 平添肉緊;
面泛紅光, 我見尤憐!

[ 本帖最後由 icheng609 於 2007-10-5 15:08 編輯 ]


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-10-5 15:00 發表

What a poet!
難登大雅之堂, 望能拋磚引玉!


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-10-5 15:00 發表

What a poet!
Thanks....... you have to read in conjunction with my report in English to get the whole picture.......


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-10-5 16:42 發表

Read every word already! Cheers.
I think she is YCOT if you don't mind her skin is a bit too dark!


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-10-5 16:50 發表

I am sure you did thorough examination and QC for me!
I know your criteria for good girls too well........... adn duckie should score at lest 85%!


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-10-8 09:35 發表

Maybe close to 99%?
So when will yo go there for a trial .... my schedule is this Friday!


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-10-9 09:07 發表

Let me check and revert. Is it afternoon?
Yes........ both Thursday and Friday afternoon will be fine for me........


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-10-9 14:05 發表

Will let u know as soon as I can!


原帖由 Haidada 於 2007-10-9 17:25 發表

Icheng609 C Hing,

I have not been to HL for a while and from your threads i can see that there must have been a lot of changes. Can you tell about how many MM there no. There used to be only ...
The numbers of MM available depends on the time you go there. I think the timeslot with more girls should be aroung 4 to 6 pm, when the early and mid shifts girls are together.

I am just new to HL and do not know what it used to be. But I at least I can find SOME girls edible and the service is to my satisfaction at reasonable cost. That is why I post so many information here........


原帖由 Haidada 於 2007-10-10 16:12 發表

Dear Brother icheng609,

I used to go during the Hubiao era, 版主 Penisular knows, more than 6 months ago, i think. At that time, a new one, belong to the same owern, called Ming S near the L ...
原來是前輩, 失敬!

其实我的資歷尚淺, 正在向各大大学習呢!

不過, 据我所見所試, HL 的囡囡是可供起筷的。 合不合口味, 則因人而異!


It will be great to have Bros Pen + Haidada together to venture in HL........ Let me join in the party.


Today is the B-day forthe lovely Duckie.......... and the good time to give her a little surprise...........


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-10-12 10:56 發表

Rely on you la!
In fact, I did give her a little surprise by calling her this morning. Another surprise is yet to come --- I'll mark her this afternoon to have "賀歲波"..........


Had the B-day match with Duckie last week. I really have no regret to put her in #1 position to replace Doggy. Will continue to visit her in the folowing weeks...........


原帖由 def_lo 於 2007-10-15 23:23 發表
Are you going tomorrow? That's my plan too! Try either the big boops girl or duckie recommended by bro icheng
Too bad............. I'll go tomorrow (17/10) as I have the engagement with Dau Dau this afternoon. Please report back, OK?


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-10-16 08:58 發表

I may go tomorrow 17/10 too.
STOP?! (Same Time Old Place)


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-10-16 13:40 發表

But I will try Lowu quick meal tomorrow. Let u know the result later.
It msut be good la............. go ahead and enjoy!


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-10-16 21:10 發表

Yes, highly recommended by my friend! He said software comparable to HL except don't have the ice fire, licking etc.
Pen 氏選擇, 必屬佳品.............. 敬候佳音!

You know, I was aroused by jj's report on the "model" at HL........... will try her the soonest.


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-10-17 08:48 發表

No. ((
Yes.............. I had a glance on her during my friend's selection session. Really very tall. With jj's comment, I have put her onto the "will-try" list!


原帖由 jjchan218 於 2007-10-17 09:57 發表

Not trying, you will regret it.
However, make sure that you are in a good condition!!!!
I am quite OK today......... and you'll get my feedback tomorrow!


".............囡囡係唔係由唔同師傅教出來, 兩條女d服務唔一樣.........."

Please tell us what are the main difference?

After all, I still consider Md Doggie to be one of the very best in HL in general!


Visited jj"s model yesterday. The following is brief report on her: (***** = full mark)

1。  樣貌 **** ---上次走了宝, 遠看一般, 近看則見真章,漂亮、靈巧, 畧帶秀氣!
2。  服務態度 ***1/2* --- jj 給了我太大暇想和冀望了! 可能我沒有 jj 般俊朗吧! 態度未见有驚喜!
3。  前奏 skill ***1/2* --- 的確很 comprehensive, 但我却嫌她沒有 heart, 激情欠奉!
4。  做愛技巧 ***1/2* --- 騎功了得, 腰力很好, 其他則未見凸出!
5。  傾談對象*** --- 比較 cool; 可能未熟落!
6。  身材 **** --- 高挑靚衣架, 168 cm 100% 走肥, 細波一族!
7。  風騷 *** --- 領略不到, sorry。
8。  收費 *** --- HL 標準收費, 未有物超所值的驚喜!

結論: 對我來說, 她是一位中規中矩的囡囡, 沒有帶來任何驚喜, 並不是懷疑 jj 兄的報告的頁实性, 可能她的表現是因人而異吧!


原帖由 jjchan218 於 2007-10-18 10:14 發表

Cheng, what a good report!!!
BTW, how many shoot you had done to the model yesterday????
I think, this model is a slow heat type.  You have to talk to her skillfully to get her heart an ...
Unfortunately, I failed to do so yesterday and the result/reward was not favourable. You are the lucky one, anyway.


原帖由 0912 於 2007-10-18 10:33 發表

我都覺狗仔好好多, 仲同我反震蛋0忝
Wah! It is new to me bor........!

Who supply the 震蛋 How's the game? Please tell us more details!


原帖由 jjchan218 於 2007-10-18 10:50 發表

It doesn't matter la.  The first time for you with her ma.
Once you get little acquaintance with her, the reward will come.
She is the one so wet I met there and nearly get my little jj ...
OIC.......... She is a new experience for me, too. From the chat with her, I learned that she was from CA. That is why she did not need any training when joining HL. Her sucking was really hard and the feeling was good.




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