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回復 #13 Xavior 的帖子

What's up lately, Bro?

Why you two have to separate for 2 weeks?  

PM me if OK to tell.  


回復 #15 Xavior 的帖子

唉! 她重未放得下大陸的事情.  

Anyway, good luck to you.  

Mine is fine.  My C9 is staying in SZ and come to HK very often.  She will come this Sat and spend the MAF with me.  


回復 #21 Xavior 的帖子

Your Bobo's situation is very complicated.  She may still "like" the asshole.  You never know what exactly happened between her and this asshole.  

There is really nothing much that you can do, as I think you have done more than enough.  As you said, 慢慢黎啦.

BTW, I don't know why she ask you such question.  There must be something going on with her and the asshole.  I think you did give her the right answer.  You just need to show that you are alway there for her, to love her no matter what happens.  Trust yourself.  If Bobo is a smart girl, she will definitely pick you and not the asshole.  Good luck!  


回復 #49 Xavior 的帖子

Bro. X

You are a good boy and deserve to have a true love and happy ending with BB.  I am NO Chan wing yan la.  My C9 is very smart and she discovered all my secrets during her stay in my HK house recently.    So, no more secret now.  

I am gald that she loves me more even after knowing all my past.  We had wonderful time in the past week.  Watched a powerful movie, Lee Ang's 色戒 yesterday.    Strongly recommended to you and your BB.  Ciao!  


回復 #57 Xavior 的帖子

化學反應 + 物理反應 + ................:bird:

After seeing the movie, that night セQ反應都出斉!  


回復 #64 Xavior 的帖子

What 失敗了?  Are U OK, X?

Is Bobo going to spend her birthday with you?  If a working girl stop working on her birthday and spend that day with you, you are the 真命天子.  If NOT, please WAKE UP and get the hell out of this situation.  Anyway, good luck!


原帖由 leeayae 於 2007-9-29 14:10 發表
Bro TKM,

Looks like you are having a good time with your C9. Can you share some tips for newbies like me who is half sunk and don't know what to do about it...?
Bro. Leeayae,

I do not know anything about your case.  So, it is difficult to make any comment.  I assume you have similar problem like Bro X, and are falling in love with a working girl.  

I am not experienced at all.  Just happened to have made friend with a few girls in the past few years.  A few are failure becos I found out the girls are going for my money only.  Some girls really love me but I just treated them as my playmates.  My C9 is the real special one.  The most important thing is to choose the right one.  Choose the one that you can feel that she really loves you.  Girls going for you money only and the girl who really love you will act differently.  Don't trust the sweet talk.  Use your heart to feel and your eyes to see.  If a girl has no feeling with you, no matter what you do is futile.

When I want to see a movie, my C9 will get up early in the morning (this is tough for a working girl) to queue up and buy the tickets before I come.  She can remember my birthday after I told her once.  When she noticed that my Dior wallet is a bit old, she bought me a new Dunhill wallet during the next visit.... so many things that can prove that she really love me.  When she quit her job, I did not promise to give her any money.

Well, hope you can find some one really love you.  One way love will not have a good ending.  

Good luck!


回復 #84 Xavior 的帖子

Non stop action for 36 hours?!  

In Macau or where?




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