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“精” 英同盟會 ~ 第二次集體北伐 ! 出兵 CA !

“精” 英同盟會 ~ 第二次集體北伐 ! 出兵 CA ! - 豆腐佬版本

其實今次出征前後只係用咗半日時間預備, 先謝過早前大海兄及蛙兄過料有關主任及交通嘅聯絡資料!

某日下午收到一個X痕會員PM, 提議嘗試FY的SN, 所以細佬馬上搭橋鋪路, 先確保可以北上, 再謀出精之地! 第二日下午再詳細討論, 議定三個計劃, 一是FY, 二是CP HM, 三是CA. CP HM已有會員出精經驗, 況且CP已是曾到訪之地, 安排不是問題! 但FY及CA卻是從未到訪之地, 心裡難免有些不安的感覺! 好, 讓小弟先發短訊到CA主任處, 得悉免房費的做法依舊, 而女女亦有新的貨式!! 與此同時, 又收到兩個會員的邀約出精CP, 心想與其再戰CP, 不如四人一同出精CA! 精心計算交通時間之後, 四位兄弟都願意嘗新, 細佬便隨即安排交通. 萬事俱備, 只待出精當日來臨!

出精日行程按計劃進行, 先致電交通確認時間, 再致電主任留房, 並千叮萬囑務必要預留好東西供兄弟們選擇, 否則到步後亦會馬上收兵! 下午時份到達CA, 立即入房掃貨! 先有蜘蛛仔發揮天生的捕食本能, 第一轉已急不及待咬住一個! 第二位兄弟亦於第三轉又咬住一件! 另一兄弟亦於第四轉選了心頭好, 但細佬想睇多幾轉至決定, 但主任說因客多, 要再睇便要翻睇! 其實之前一兩轉都有心頭好, 不過希望睇多少少再行定案, 最後細佬都成功選妃, 關門開工!

房間硬件一般, 冇水床, 冇洗車櫈, 但有濕蒸! 先來沖涼, 洗得非常透徹, 水中蕭, BM 一應俱全! 將近沖完女女問要不要在沖涼房先來一次, 心想既來之則安之, 馬上回答WHY NOT! 女女馬上取套行事, 就係咁喺濕蒸房完成CA出精第一炮! 再來便是DG ISO9000的服務, 但慚愧的是細佬雖然已是第四次出精DG, 但都只是第一次初嘗360度品蕭的動作, 新鮮感不錯! 第二炮先來女上男下, 最後以天蓋地完結, 頂癮的是完事後女女仲會以鯉魚咀慢慢按摩細佬十多吓, 感覺一字記之曰"爽"!

選女嘅時候都冇問係什麼牌, 派彩時女女告之乃B牌, 盛惠$400大元! 即時反映問女女為何不要求轉A牌, 女女表示因B牌人數不太多, 競爭較少! 完事後在大堂候車及享用果盤, 準時7時前回到邊境, 出精任務順利完成!

邊境泊車費: $50
邊境接駁來回: $14
邊境CA來回: $80人仔
小費: $400人仔

總計: $64 + $500人仔 (約$570), 即港幣$640; 總共出精所需時間: 5.5小時 (來回屋企計)


回復 #15 icheng609 的帖子

總結經驗: 14:00到LMC泊車, 19:15回到LMC取車, 在5.5小時內完成所有行程, 跟到CP所用的時間沒有太大分別!!


回復 #17 icheng609 的帖子

Exact schedule:

14:10 LMC parking
14:15 LMC shuttle bus
14:20 HK Immigration
14:30 China Immigration
14:45 Got on the white label
15:35 CA
15:50 Finished selection and started having fun
17:50 All finished
18:05 Got on the white label
18:55 China immigration
19:05 HK Immigration
19:20 LMC Car Park

Round trip white label: $320!!


回復 #21 jetspermman 的帖子

Of course, if you go alone and take the on-call white label, the total cost will be at least $320+$400=$720, but still cheaper than D1!!

The other way round is that you can 7-seater van from HG to CA, which costs you $50 per trip.  But the trade off is you need more time.  If you can sneak out in the morning, then you can still have enough time to come back by 18:00!


回復 #5 0912 的帖子



回復 #24 Haidada 的帖子

今次得以高興全身而回, 都係多得大哥大大嘅好介紹而已!!


回復 #27 yuppy 的帖子

Of course not! Don't do that as you may take risk of being hijacked to some places you don't know! If you've read my post in details, you will see I booked it in advance in HK!!


回復 #29 jetspermman 的帖子

條友仔喺呢度成日都好靜呀, 快啲出嘢啦!!??


回復 #36 jetspermman 的帖子

If she were one of the nui nui, I'll definitely pick her!!


回復 #41 alb 的帖子

係至好講!! 唔係唔肯過你, 兼下次唔預你!! 5d 5d!!!!


回復 #50 jetspermman 的帖子

Well, if you want to touch her, the matter is not "when" Retav touched her.  That should be "where" he touched her and she had made no struggle!!!!!!


回復 #52 jetspermman 的帖子

But you'll sacrifice one of your choices on a place with low cost and high quality!!!!


回復 #60 icheng609 的帖子

小.....! 我驚到時揚得滯, 嚇到人地以為我地去踩場咋! 不過話時話, 有咁多, 就唔好坐7人車, 包架van吖, 可能更加平都未定!!


回復 #72 alb 的帖子

BUT.......... I'll definitely not be able to join in coming few weeks or even months!!!!!


回復 #77 icheng609 的帖子

Easy, man, everything is well under my control! Just need to take care of some family business and I choose not to leave HK in coming few weeks or months!


回復 #84 icheng609 的帖子

我負責鎮守大後方, 確保各位能夠全身而退!!


回復 #82 jetspermman 的帖子

好, 有你咁講我絕對放心! 不過記住唔好殺晒啲女, 要留返啲比我, 等我安頓好大後方之後, 再次北伐享用!


原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-4-28 14:22 發表
Two of our most active members (Retav & def_lo) are on leave........ Ther will be more responsibilities shared by the rest of the brothers to up-keep the performance of our team!
Honestly speaking, you should be the most active one indeed, and I may just be the most informative guy! However, the main point is most of the time you go by yourself!  Of course, you're not encouraged to blow whistle here, but you should have some other means to do it!


回復 #87 icheng609 的帖子

你得閒搵twins接濟吓你細佬好過啦! 再唔係搵個兄弟同你4p, 等你唔洗再發夢啦!!


回復 #95 jetspermman 的帖子

I need to stay in HK for a while.  Perhaps I have to hibernate for a while for conquering the north, but will stay active in the forum.  So brothers, don't be lazy, do more and report more.

I'LL BE BACK..........!!


回復 #108 7-siu 的帖子

抽主任水都冇問題啦, 何況係事前通知主任! 但去呢間sn係要經人地酒店停車場, 我係驚嗰啲9唔搭8嘅酒店保安唔知定啫!!

相關搜索目錄: 酒店




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