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原帖由 Haidada 於 2008-6-26 00:33 發表
I doubt this is a national shut down. The Olympics attracts media attention in cities such as Beijing and Shanghai. CP, CA, and even the entire DG area should not be a point of focus. Quite contrary, I  expect more girls coming to DG from big cities up north looking for temporary employment.


原帖由 denny2000 於 2008-6-26 09:15 發表

although DG is not a city of focus, our father will want a "clean" country and will take "0" risk. Imagine if an olympics-related members or the audience gets some trouble a ...
For as long as I can remember, there were only 2 instances in modern Chinese history when wind-moon establishments across the entire country were not permitted to operate for a string of days: The passing of Chairman Mao in the 70's and the most recent National Mourning 3 days for SiChuan earthquake. Do the Olympics share the same level of importance as the other two? I doubted.
Another point to ponder: When the Olympics were held in Los Angeles, Seoul, Barcelona, Atlanta, Sydney, and Athens, there was no report of closure of redlight districts in those cities. I'm sure if some Olympic related members got into trouble, it would be covered up like a saran wrap.




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