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井底蛙遊踪之一 --- 梅林維X納 SN

原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-11-9 14:00 發表

我從來沒自視為專家, 將來亦不会! 只是客々荈陘中嬤伬茪H感受而引致誤会, 就此再一致歉.......
Brother Icheng609,
It is good to know you start your exploration elsewhere. I once went to a new SN in ML, actually following an ex HL Manager, and I saw the "V", looked very nice and close to the check point. I did not try there and as you said it is 4,6,800 plus room charge it must be following a high class route.
I think at this price level we can have so much more choices in other places... So I suggest you explore further..


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-11-11 20:07 發表

Any hints/tips on where to explore further?
Atthis price level, 4,6,800 +2xx, it is already something like 800-1,000. In CA it is in the range 4-600, plus room charge less than 200. In CA YD it is 4,5,6 with no room charge. 天地 unlimited, it is 4,5,600 plus room 188 (normal 288).
Recently Just tried a new SN in Tantou, Songgang, 400 and 600 with no room charge. Tried a model 600, Anhui, 166, 18 yrs, big and pink, really model figure. 2 x ML as I do not enjoy too much the services..A friend also just been there 2 times, very good comment also. He took the models. He wants to go again but the only drawback is that the place is a little rmote. we drove.
The SN is on promotion with no room charge but we can go with no room charge for life...because we are introduced by a VIP...


原帖由 7-siu 於 2007-11-12 00:04 發表
VIP = very impotent person.
Try any of the models there VIP will become real VP..Very Potent..


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-11-12 09:25 發表

Thanks. Any similar type of saunas closer to Shenzhen besides HL and the one reported by icheng?
Actually I mainly go to K and only once for a while go to SN, really do not know if any other good SN in Shenzhen.
In Sha Jing there is one near the Bus Station I went, quite good. i followed an MM there quite a few times. 400 plus 1xx room. Can arrange trainee. The hotel is one of the best hotel there in the area.
I actually ate two MM there, both of them used to work in HL/Ming X.

[ 本帖最後由 Haidada 於 2007-11-12 18:06 編輯 ]


原帖由 7-siu 於 2007-11-12 00:17 發表
關關二哥什麼事啊﹐ 你自己給自己設關口而已啦。。。吃了再說嗎。。聽你小弟弟的話罷。。它要動你就動嘛。。


原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-11-12 08:49 發表

I also know that there are plenty of good places further north to SZ.......... but my limitation doe3s not allow me to go to places too far away.
Actually some good places are not that far away. Like CA it is only 40 minutes from Huang Gang by the 7-seater, at rmb 50.


原帖由 7-siu 於 2007-11-12 18:37 發表



你系咪真系也要排醫神嫂啊。。。雙飛男本來唸住復出派即上﹐ 可惜給人捷足先登。。 他下午是時問我要不要明天去﹐我說好但他又不回我了。。


原帖由 7-siu 於 2007-11-12 23:25 發表

That Bastard, he did not call me today!111111
May be he worries that you have 陰影   to go...


原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-11-13 08:33 發表

Is Sha Jing far away from SZ? What is the name of the hotel? I would like to follow your footstep to share your wonderful experience. Thanks.
Sha jing is not far from SZ. Suggest you try first the Tan hai, pls see PM. there shud be a bus from Luohu commercial city to go to Song Gang. Shud be about an hour. Song Gang and Sha Jing is just next to each other.
Song Gang is now no room charge so better try this first, also quality of MM is good so far.
I have not been to Sha Jing for a while and do not know if quality maintained.

[ 本帖最後由 Haidada 於 2007-11-13 11:00 編輯 ]




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