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[疑難] 到依家都係有部份討論版無版主...點算呀?!

原帖由 fighterplane 於 2007-3-12 10:29 發表
建議找每個論壇最活躍的師兄傾傾, 可能有回應

就你這問題,我早前已pm大版主,內客如下 :
The new board master should be:
1. elected from frequent users of that board
2. agreed by xocatii and most board masters/moderators

Details of operation:
1. Set up a thread in the board with moderator's vacancy to seak for members' opinion or 提名/自荐.(I suggest the task be assigned to the 4 moderators who should develop to be the region managers of the forum instead of the master of a certain board in order to further distinguish the duty between moderators and board master)
2. Collect and analyse the opinion,and post a thread in the board master board for a couple of days,
3. If there's no objection arising from the rest of board master, the moderator responsible for it recommend this member to xocat as the board master of the board.
4. xocatii grant him the privilege of board master at his consent.
我個筆名叫求其, 只想在現實生活以外的空間裡, 輕輕鬆鬆, 求求其其咁過, 以解來自日常生活的壓力!


原帖由 紅豆沙 於 2007-3-12 11:57 發表

I 've been doing that for some times, but frankly speaking I haven;t done thsi for some boards which I seldom visit. I have raised a suggestion to xocatii regarding the concept of "regional manager". I think it resembles what you are talking about!
我個筆名叫求其, 只想在現實生活以外的空間裡, 輕輕鬆鬆, 求求其其咁過, 以解來自日常生活的壓力!




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