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Yes, brothers, now it is very difficult to predict how the HSI will react with the coming mainland investors. If you do have some profit, you could sell a portion of your stock to earn a "lunch".

Some newspapers said that the mainland investors could make direct investment starting from the coming Wednesday, but of course official confirmation is yet to be recevied.

Good trading day tomorrow !!

相關搜索目錄: Investment


Dear Brothers, not a quite good news for Stock H tomorrow !

Extracted from Metroradio

中國銀行北京總行發言人王兆文表示, 監管部門未批准天津分行可以接受開戶申請, 買賣香港股票; 但已收到很多客戶查詢, 預約登記相當多 . 他相信 , 短期內會成事, 但未知道實際接受開戶申請日期.

有消息指, 中國銀行(3988)天津濱海分行今日將正式開始 , 接受開設投資港股戶口的申請.

港股直通車業務, 以天津市濱海新區為試點 . 中銀國際表示, 至今已有超過一萬名客戶預約登記申請開戶; 中銀國際已斥資約4500萬港元, 用於更新系統及擴大處理內地帳戶申請的能力 .

內地《中國證券報》報導, 如果天津以外的股民想開戶, 暫時仍須要親自持身分證到天津市濱海各中國銀行支行辦理 .

相關搜索目錄: 投資 銀行


That perhaps will be similar to the "Growth Enterprise Market" of HK and the "AIM" market of UK.

This is the first time I hear this piece of news. That's actaully a very good start for China to develop a GEM market in Tingjiang.

Do they need the help from HK ??
原帖由 nonhuman 於 2007-8-27 18:07 發表
天津市個市長好猛料 ... 連中國建議的第三版股市(即上海和深圳主版, 深圳二版之外), 好有可能在天津開始 .... 模式應該介乎, 美國NASDAQ的SMALL CAP和OTC之間


Thank you very much for your valuable information. Nowadays we also need to read a lot of information given by the China official.
原帖由 nonhuman 於 2007-8-27 18:13 發表
You may check this news from the magazine "財經" ... forget which week?


very good analysis of China Economy .... of coz one of the government speech plat ...


Hi, 3a4b5c6c, thank you for your kindest concern. I have sent you a personal message, you could check.
原帖由 3a4b5c6c 於 2007-9-16 01:46 發表
Hello Cherryjasonchan, haven't posted on this topic for a while.
How are you these days?

I am reading some information and indicate there maybe a correction occur between 25000~25500; could dro ...


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