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已驗證文文, 基本上沒有讓她按摩過, 只是我按她
樣子一般, 但皮膚白滑, 所謂一白遮三醜, 這一點非常重要.
身材很好, 由其一雙美乳, 非常淺色的乳暈, 令人食慾大增.
十分好的開放度, 只要循序漸進, 可以有意想不到的收獲
只可以告訴大家, 估計她的吹奏功夫比按摩技術好, 只是我沒有讓她按, 沒有實在的比較, 其他師兄可以代為引證...

[ 本帖最後由 大一 於 2011-6-27 14:48 編輯 ]


原帖由 w70022 於 2011-6-27 21:55 發表

!!! 偶以为是真的呢,文文告诉她只给偶吹。。。
不要太認真啊!!! 從來女人哄騙男人都十分正常的...


原帖由 iphone3G 於 2011-6-28 00:19 發表
New Term: 吹摩????


Thanks LJH for the great input in this forum, or we cannot have such great fun in our lonely journey.  I can only say, if LJH were a gunner here, we still had to appreciate his patience as he had been doing this job for several year and groom this delivery service industry.  I can say, only the low-IQ/EQ freaks question about this.  As an old bird(but i am a CD-ROM too), it is so obvious to tell the difference of a gunner or a guide.

Just want to say a few words here.  If you want others to treat you well, you have to treat others well too.  Don't just think that you are a fxxking big spender with a 260-800 spending.  The girls are human being as well.  Treat them well.  Be nice to others.  They may have many reasons to become a masseuse.  But I am quite sure they don't want to be one of them if they have better choices.  If you are able to help them, treat them better.  If not, try to be generous and nice to them.

To me, Xiao Ting provided excellent service to me.  Very patient, caring all the time.  She does not disclose any content of the FS to me, even though we know each other so well.  This is the way to survive. But I am sure that someone may not be charmed enough to pursuade masseuse to provide special service, he may need to get the confirmation from the agent first.  

[ 本帖最後由 大一 於 2011-10-26 16:33 編輯 ]




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