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回復 #1 一棍鎮神州 的帖子

"咦! 大鑊, 點解入左去既? 真係好滑, 不知不覺中, 小棍己經溜左入去.
喂! 未帶套喎! 不過真係好鬼爽, 而佢又叫到好鬼high, 係果一刻大家己經完全失晒理智, 死就死啦…"

Nowadays I am getting my meals from the internet.  I found that this kind of situation happens a lot in the mainland.  My meals usually comprise of OL and divorced women and 9 out of 10 have no intention of asking you to put on a domdom before fxxking.  May be it is cheap and convenient to deal with the consequence (costs less than RMB 350).  I asked them why and most of them say it feels better without one.  Ha! seems like this is the excuse use not only by men anymore.




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