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此外, 佢地個樣只能算是“可接受”水平, 身材也不能要求過高, 更不會有“服務” - true. "勁花時間和精神" also true.  It is cheaper if you rent a place in Shenzhen for around 2,000 a month since qq女 feel even better if you have your own place and much faster to eat and cheaper in the long run.


回復 #35 sl886 的帖子

歡樂谷 tickets are expensive.  I usually just go dinner (RMB 100), foot massage (RMB 50) and then to my place to watch TV and then hahaha.


I am working on one qq女 from "south mountain".  Her looks is just OK but nice body - 35D 160 cm and smooth skin with a cherry mouth.  When I got time, I call her over around 6 pm since it will take her 1 hour to travel (bus then MTR) from her place to Lowu.  We will have dinner (RMB 100) nearby and then to my place watch TV.  She is pretty aggressive and gave me a lot of chances to kiss her (wet ones) and take her bras off.  After that she will play hard to get and refuse to ML (2 times already) and also refuse to BJ, but she gave me the "hit airplane" action which is still enjoyable.  She lied down and I am on top.  Both hands holding her 35D tits, wet kissing and her right hand strokes me till...
Then she will leave around 10:30 pm to catch the MTR and bus home.  She hinted me a few times she wanted to stay overnight but since I did not get the ML so I pretended I did not hear her and asked her to get dressed.  Then walked her to the Lowu MTR station and gave her a goodbye kiss.  I am still working on getting the home run but needs to put in more work.


I know there is a restaurant franchise called "湘鄂情" in sz and by its name it is for both 湖南 and 湖北, I ate there a few times and they are OK.  I know there is one in 景田北, but not sure about 歡樂谷附近, you can call the hotline for more information.


Wait for your 中山qq女 report.


1400 / 3 = 460 略貴 but as long as you had fun, it is worth it.
"佢竟然問我物野叫做吹, 無辦法, 老正就是這樣, 唔好講話幫你吹, 連吹係物野都唔知道", she probably knows but unwilling to do so.  I ran into this problem myself but the girl friend feel compensate for this.




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