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原帖由 求其 於 2007-1-16 01:39 PM 發表

或者可以咁講,我們大致上可把道德與品格這樣區分的: 道德是跟社會標準有關係,品格是個人與其環境相互關係有關係的.


1. 有道德 及 有品
2. 無道德 但 有品
3. 有道德 但 無品
4. 無道德 ...
yes...c hing.....your classification is clear and systematic....

I have a interesting case in recent.

The recent 50-year-old doctor uses legal means to get back his money from his 20-year-old cohabitant's mother....around $1 million....the reason is that their relationship is broken down and now returning back the previous borrowed money is absolutely right......

Well, he can get back the money via legal means....however, is he 無品??  aged 50 VS 20 is 無道德 if now the girl have clear mind and decide separation....or her mother 無品.....use her daughter as a tool for borrowing money....

[ 本帖最後由 john 於 2007-1-16 10:01 PM 編輯 ]


原帖由 colorbhk 於 2007-1-16 10:13 PM 發表

that doctor, at least from my opinion, is a POK-KAI HAM-KA-CHEN
c hing, we have same feeling la....

What's a man.....use any means to get a teenage girls....handsome, true love, or gentleman ar ?? of course not la....the girls left him normal la...now he take this action without considering....




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