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[桑拿浴室] 東方水匯桑拿(The Sauna and Spa)

拋磚引玉! 大成功 Ha ha ha…..

雖然唔係好平, 但短時間可能會屎忽痕再去多次, 試下其他no.如何?


補充一點: -

Kitchen 晚上9點半就收工, 所以9點半後只有小食, 油菜, 公仔noodle等….. 想食野就要早d. d湯水唔錯, 可以一試!

換衫個陣最好企後少少, 唔係會比個風口吹中, 好易感冒!


原帖由 白貓兒 於 2009-11-17 03:00 發表
昨天正式開張, 開始有10 pm 44X 及 12 點 38X 的特價.
咁樣價錢reasonable d! $38x 真係好ok, 不過聽d c fu講個場夜左好靜! 上次去做左*(, 覺得好面善, 但唔記得於邊個場見過?


原帖由 白貓兒 於 2009-11-17 13:21 發表

經猫兄通知, 見試業完有特價, 剛好OT完都成點, 坐VAN仔去再試一下. 火車站落左車, 吹住行到門口, 所有圍板終於拆曬, 由於吹到好鬼凍, 一支箭跑入去. 條樓梯放滿花牌….. 入到去換杉, 沖身, 跟住蒸一蒸, 暖曬! 入到去, 見到都有D客, 經理都同佢地吹緊水… 搵過位, 坐底, 即克有WAITNESS沖黎招呼,問下仲有無湯水, 回覆已經SOLD OUT! 建議試下粥同抄粉… 我話出黎先, 叫D小食, 整份報紙睇下…. 食完野經理問有無MARK鐘? 我最近中左失憶證, 叫佢安排算啦! 經理話公司建議小費1對1, OK啦,唔講都係咁比格啦! 入到房, 例牌野, 時間過得好快…. 出番黎, 食下粥同抄粉, 同經理吹吹水… 天南地北, 廢話應對左幾個字! 起身, 番屋企…. 埋單500幾, 如此大場, E個消費, 雖然VEGI, 都OK啦! 12點後價錢好ATTACTIVE! 只係地點差左D (對我黎講!)

相關搜索目錄: 報紙


原帖由 白貓兒 於 2009-11-24 06:46 發表

如那是男經理, 可能是明哥了.
no no ..... 是女的! 名字...忘記了!


原帖由 白貓兒 於 2009-11-24 13:20 發表

Then this is either Carmen  or 阿 Ming. She is a bit thin, right?


原帖由 白貓兒 於 2009-11-26 09:54 發表

and there at Victoria Palm Spring, discount starts later at 11 pm: 396,
so you see the competition tactic of this new sauna against Victoria.
i like competition between saunas too.....


原帖由 白貓兒 於 2009-12-2 01:18 發表
由昨天(1/12)起日頭加回$604 (所謂正價九折),
即係放工場要604 + 200 + locker 20>>> $824 太貴了! over-budget, 12點後先去, 正常時間番老地方算啦!


原帖由 白貓兒 於 2009-12-5 01:21 發表

btw, did you find that on the second/third visit at night, there were more customers than before?
Someone told me that now at night there are as many customers as, and even more than i the daytim ...
yes, they got a lot more customers than my 1st visit even after mid-nights (i think mainly becoz of their competitive price after 12), but of course not as much as SS at MK la.....


Tried this sauna again a week or so ago…. Carman is still here, so as some waitress, other than these, all new faces to me, I believe the staff turnover rate of this sauna is a bit fast, so as the BGs.

I did see some improvement was made by this sauna in these couples of weeks, like got better choices in shampoo…. Also, I think the towels are changed, the previous one is not so 吸水, 2 or more towels must be used to dry your body after shower, I got better experience during my latest visit.

Food in this sauna had lots of room to improve in taste and numbers of choices (beside main dishes). I hope it will get better soon! SS is doing a better job in this part.

Just back to my recent visits, after shower, I was leaded by a waitress to a seat. Some snacks and drinks ordered, as I was a bit tired that day, so I just lay down and watching News on the TV after finish my food and drinks. 20 minutes gone and none of the manager come to serve me…. Then, I told a waitress that to arrange上房 for me ….. another 5-10 minutes past, nothing happen, so I talk to the same waitress again for the arrangement! This time I got an immediate feedback, I saw Carman walking down to my direction and she apologize for the delay, she told me that the waitress forget to report my number to them and they think 我已經做完按摩 section.

I don’t feel too angry on this as I am that kind of “順德人”, but I think a better job should be done for the class of this sauna, there are not too much customers at the sitting area on that night (less than 10) and this kind of mistake is simply unacceptable.

Other than this mix up, I had a pleasant journey at this sauna, the BG arranged by Carman is good in massage skill, I had a good sleep back home after 2 hours section. I really forget the number of the BG, may be !%, may be not….

I will back to this sauna again, if they kept offer the discounted price after 10 and 12. total damage to this trip: $4XX+$200 tips to BG +$20tips to locker.


hope they will learn from mistakes.... ,as a sauna target medium to high end customers, this must be quick!


其實佢地, 除左硬件一流外, 軟件方面真係需要再改善.

有時, 個別員工真係有D遊魂, 除左上次講果D, 又試個叫左安排上房, 成15分鐘都無反應, (依間野暫時都應該唔會無房), 最後再叫安排, 好快入房, 入到去見條BG都未搞好張床, 好明顯剛剛黎到, 真係唔知係無安排OR無曬女???

抄野方面, 我認為太早收啦! 有時放工7:30先到, 蒸下沖下涼都成8:00先去到大堂, 上得房做完都OVER9:30 LA, 出到黎飽肚的只有NOODLE食, 其他小食好多時都無貨…. 抄粉麵飯選擇夠多, 其他野真係一般多,種類太少, 比得正價, 緊係想食完飯先走啦, 但只係有一次9:30分前出到房….真慘!

送果張假日卷, 對我黎講, 真係無MUD用!


都有一段時間無出報告啦! 新年後去過兩次, 簡單匯報一下!

新正頭去到, 當然係左恭喜,右恭喜啦, 不過無利是在身, 想比都無得比. 當晚食完公司飯去, 11點零, 鐘錢平左兩舊幾, 好懷念以前10:00及12:00的特價時段安排呀!

洗白白過程唔洗講, 反正hardware都介紹過好多次啦! 不過, locker仔換左, d 洗頭水唔知係唔係換左d假野(只是感覺only). 現一輪, 出大廳, 依家真係多左人, 回想第一次到, 真係小cat三四隻….. 見到carman, 我認得佢,佢唔認得我la, 成日唔浦頭, 係咁la! Number 都唔記得曬, 聽天由命, 最後排左#, 由於的一向要求中力, 所以都ok, 不過急左少少, 當晚食飯時做左李白, 都有D wing wing地, 恰左一大段時間, 有未完全到位的vas, 其他唔記得, 不過, 應該都可以番mark. 時間過得快, 出番去坐, 你醒起自己好似做過^*, (印象中短頭髮, slim 同較深skin color: 有無師兄可以confirm下係唔係?)… 坐好陣, 走人, check bill 438, 例1對1, 簽200, 新春頭利利是是, 放低800走人…..

又一日, 收工正價時段, 今次將number紙上一個都唔識, 又輪, 輪到CheChe, 手骨好OK, 夠曬力, 做完一身鬆曬…. 依次有飯食, 叫左3送一湯, 都幾好食, 食完又唔算太口乾…. 走人埋單678+200. 依個又可以番MARK!





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