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[­ì³Ð] ·sª©¶}±i,®®¨N¦A²{

This  is my frequently visited sauna, local is my favour choice, any good recommedation ???


­ì©«¥Ñ taylormade ©ó 2006-8-31 12:31 PM µoªí

I heard they got an remarkable attendance rate on WED ? Is your post attract more .....
show more nice BGs for us to try.....


Bro webhunter, which local BGs provides good service in the night shift.... I plan to visit for the coming weekend


I have tried NO.$ (night shift) -an expert on the bone aspect, released my 30odds years foot pain and


­ì©«¥Ñ falo ©ó 2006-9-6 01:16 AM µoªí
I have tried NO.$ (night shift) -an expert on the bone aspect, released my 30odds years foot pain and
I remember her name is APRIL no 4, a bit baby fat look but the skill is excellent which cured my
foot pain


anybody try ah 4 before , although she is vegi, but she can cure our pain that being leasted for years. worth to try whilst your pain still leasted.......


BY the way she served me only two time, since the charge a bit expensive for me ....


Borther taylormade ,

I heard some new pretty looking local BGs will serve sometime on coming week?  OR
any recent good  BGs recommendation before I will visit next time>>>>>

( my information come with lockers boy and staff )



Really local? [/quote]
One of them will appear on coming Firday, she has booking on Fir... ( the largest no.)


Any brother has been served by the new comer (BG) named LAM LAM, Please shared us your experience She hit the high attendance on yesterday>>>


Karman, Niki and ?


big spender , u really enjoy, any add value from them as all look young BGs


u are the supporter of day shift local BGs but I change to night shift for the recent visit


­ì©«¥Ñ webhunter ©ó 2006-9-16 11:15 PM µoªí

so which one is/are your favourite(s)?
for pure message,I perfer APRIL no. 4, as i mentioned before who cured for years'pain on my foot.


The three angels that you mentioned have serviced me before but the most beloved one is also karman.
Your selection is almost the same as me. Should the newcomers served well ?


It certainly means those new coming BGs for the recent week, any further information before my next visit


#239 reply

But man man is the northern BGs with a bit c9 look ? I perfer local BGs.....


Any brothers have more detail information regarding the new BGs.
I will save some money to visit the IS again.


Re #243

Sorry, I have not seen her for long time as she usually go off or serving you before I arrived.
The moon cake taste good !


­ì©«¥Ñ block ©ó 2006-9-22 09:43 AM µoªí
any bros tried Carol before ?
IS she GOOD ??


­ì©«¥Ñ webhunter ©ó 2006-9-22 10:36 AM µoªí

Moon cake??? What u mean?
Just for a joke, Mid-Autumn is coming .....
Your Queen like it


Bro webhuther
Do you visit IS today


nothing special...don't take it serious!


­ì©«¥Ñ CHANGMAO ©ó 2006-9-22 01:09 PM µoªí

I did.
Mid-aged fatty local with big T-back ass, face so so but good service
I perfer good service , stick to my selection list on next visit


­ì©«¥Ñ falo ©ó 2006-9-22 01:13 PM µoªí

I perfer good service , stick to my selection list on next visit
Any good service inculded PM PLZ


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