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If you want your web page to auto refresh, one of the simplest method is to add in the following code inside the head tag:

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5" >

The attribute http-equiv="refresh" calls for refresh of the page, 5 menas it will refresh every 5 seconds.

You should set the time to above 5 seconds because you have to consider the page reload time.


You have to ask the question correctly else it is very difficult for other to help you.

I now understand what you want......

Just add a sub to submit the form when you have updated the info, then you will see the new data.


­ì©«¥Ñ usnameless ©ó 2007-2-2 07:47 µoªí

¤@¯ëûHASP¥ÎVBScript access§¹Database ¤§«á, ±Ndata presents ¦n´N©ñ¤Jhtml ¤¤°e¨ì browser for display.  ¤§«á¦pªGdata ¦b database ¤¤³Q§ï°Ê, browser ¤¤ûHhtml«Y­ø·|¦Û°Ê³Qupdateªº.  §A¥i¥H¦n¦ü¼Ó¤WËÝÁ¿ ...
You are right that ASP will not auto fresh the page, but you can add a sub-routine such as button1_onclick, or if you have change something in the pull down menu, or change some text box you can use like:

Sub xxxx_onchange
end sub

In this case once you update the data say from ABC XYZ to DEF MNO, it will submit the form automatically and refresh the page, then you can see the new changed data immediately.

To refresh the page after you change the data in the form, you should add the line formx method= post action = abc.asp

¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: Database


It all depands on the application and what the programmer wants. In his earler post he mention that when he changed from ABC BBQ to BBQ ABC, the page will not show the changed until he clicks the refresh button. So, in order to show the new data without clicking the re-fresh button you can either (1) have auto re-refresh every x seconds, but this will eat up the resources, or (2) when there are changes, detect the changes and post the page again, although this involve a bit of codes, but you cannot get something from nothing right?

As for the bank, it is true that example Hang Seng and HSBC after you have done some transactions, the account summary will not show the new balance until you click the refresh. But HSBC of some branches example HSBC Malaysia, the account summary will show you the correct balance without clicking the refresh button.

So it depands on what you want the page to look like.

¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: BBQ




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