推介:| Chrissie Chau 周秀娜 | 諸葛梓岐 | 傅穎寫真 | 娛樂 | 魔術 | 精品 | 玩具 |



To begin with, I don't think taking video of love making scene with the one you love is sinful.  My rationale is we all grow old some day and it would be fun to watch the video with you love ones when there's no more fun involved during love making.

Reason for that is because eventually, doing it with your partner/wife will already be a habit and gradually, its a means of maintaining the intimate relationship between the two and "fun" may not be the initiating cause.  Honestly speaking, will there be fun if when eventually, the whole thing cannot even have a start or just completed within minutes.  I know there is the "V" pill, but some day we do grow old.

For our parents/grand parents, they may have a habit of going thru old photos which helped them to recall the good old days, but for us, with advanced technology, the video is the medium we turn to.

I think when one day, we look back from our old days, our accomplishment would involved our school grades, our accomplishment at work, how successful were our sons/daughters... and may be (I don't know for sure), how many exotic relationship have one had.

Who's the culprit?  My judgment is the one who steals the video/photos from Chen's laptop.  Not Chen himself.  He may have been negligent in not being able to apply the latest encryption technology in protecting the data files.  He may be liable for this.  

The one possible artist to sue him I think is Gil (her company), but since she(her company) choose to admit to personal stupidity, she may have waived such rights.  This may be a result of careful investigation by her company that its may be difficult to win the case on claiming Chen (Chen may at least have encrypted the files) and furthermore, the culprit(s) hasn't been identified and besides, he may not be rich enough to pay for the damages.

相關搜索目錄: Video




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