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[原創] ~ GOOD FORTUNE SAUNA 好運來桑拿 ~

I've tried #5.
A matured lady with good massage skill.
She's particularly good at massaging neck and shoulders.
Insofar as massage skill is concerned, she's so far the best I've tried in GFS.
Her massage skill is good enough for her to work in a vegi sauna such as Windsor.
Therefore, she came as a surprise to me when I met her in GFS.
Although nothing special in Part 2, I really enjoyed Part 1.
More importantly, it's at an attractive price (cheaper than Windsor), with reasonably good hardwares and nice service.



This one made me mad !
"massage" ... she's almost motionless ...
put her hand/finger at one spot and ... stopped moving or just moving gently a bit !
as if she has fallen asleep !

at the very beginning, I asked for 3 sessions.
at the end, I decided to walk out after about 1 hr 15 min ...
no point of staying any longer ... waste of my time !

I really don't want to be so blunt in here (as I didn't make any complaint before her or when I left, which's probably my fault), but I have to burst it out !
Sorry !



She said she has just worked in GFS for about 2 weeks (at the time when I tried her)
quite talkative ... I was tired, and I really had no energy to chat with her so much ... in the end, she realized that and talked less.

Massage skill is quite alright.  Acceptable standard in GFS.
Overall, ok.


Tried #88 (just realized that she is not on messenger's list ...)

Dup skill is alright level.
She kept silent for most of the time.
However, I think she belonged to the "B 隊" of GFS ...
兩粒埋三粒,四粒 ... 甚至五粒都有 ...

"B 隊" of GFS ... doesn't suit my requirement
I hope that they can maintain their conventional services.


原帖由 boner 於 2007-1-3 07:14 PM 發表

我都係佢開檔去到而家, 佢老味呀, 而家打親電話MARK女都話放假, 明明返左工都話放假. 算狗數一於吾能去尼個場.
really ?!
I've asked for #5 for a few times, and all in vain (off duty)...
is it for that reason ?!
if so ...


Whilst many brothers have raised complaints against the personnel and administrative staff, as a low profile sauna-goer, I personally didn't have much hard feeling when I sat and waited in the rest lounge.

To make it clear, I went there at night.
So, I have no idea how it operated and operates during daytime.
Insofar as night shift is concerned, I was treated fairly ok (leaving aside the "Team B" problem for the time being).

However, if they treated me as idiot by saying that someone was not available and recommended me to try someone else (which I had no idea for the time being, and had no proof), THAT would be a problem !!


原帖由 messenger 於 2007-1-14 06:02 PM 發表

ex-Great Lake * *     >>>>  ! *
ex-Great Lake @ & >>>> SAME

沒有什麼特別喎! :wond ...
so mysterious ...
how is their massage skill ?


Tried #9.
Force was sufficient.  I would say her massage is pretty good in GFS.
I particularly enjoyed when she pressed my head - forceful and to the point.
She talked quite gently, and she was a tender person.  Not wild at all, but I liked it.
Overall, I was satisfied.


Tried #26 one night.

Dup is average, not bad, but not impressive either.
Thigh is ok smooth.
Service was ... ... a bit "wild" for me
Overall, average.
But I look for better dup.


原帖由 白貓兒 於 2007-4-17 13:18 發表
咦又有sms alert, 優惠時段三粒$468.

I had also received this sms.
I don't like this idea,
could cause us inconvenience and be dangerous.



Haven't given report for this sauna for quite some time.  Here it goes.

OT過後, need to find a place to take a shower and relax a bit, so ... went to sauna in the early hours .

Simply report about the BG - No.102. 骨技在 Good Fortune Sauna 可算是非常好, esp. 指力夠 strong, 鍊頸膊 VERY GOOD, 拍得住 vegi 場師傅, this is really a surprise. 按其他地方 (e.g. back, legs) 就普通, 合格有餘, 驚喜不足, but still her overall massage skill is good.

RPP 有被螞蟻咬 feeling -- 怕 "jit" 麊眯w頂唔順 (我差D要叫停!), her finger nails 輕掃袋袋 and pat pat and I felt like 觸靜電!
Part 2 都 OK ... but she's NOT 豪放型 -- she sat on the massage bed, thus restricting the movements of my hands
btw, she's about 5'5" tall, 望落去 slim body and slim legs 腿形幾靚, but 中女 of course, not sure about her appearance as the lighting was too dim in the room

Certain remarks about No.102
1. I'm sure she's a smoker (probably a heavy one) -- 去咫礞y once (so, disappeared for about 5min), Part 2 後去洗手 once (so, disappeared for another 5min) -- 好彩佢返入房煙味不算重
2. 唔足鐘, as she 提早收工, but I forgave her, as it was already 6:30am in the morning, 我都覺得 hungry and sleepy

埋單3鐘 $486 + $20 tips for VERY GOOD locker service


[ 本帖最後由 phantomman 於 2007-10-8 14:03 編輯 ]
  • 白貓兒 體力 +60 精品文章 2007-10-8 16:32
  • 白貓兒 威望 +60 精品文章 2007-10-8 16:32



Massage skill is quite good (以 GFS standard 作 comparison)
overall 比較平均
髮型 look like Cable TV News 主播曾美華之前個髮型 (Note that I'm just confining to the hairstyle, not the outlook)
好似係 mid-shift




Massage skill is average (put another way, not very impressive)
but Part 2 she's patient and 慢慢黎 and I felt comfortable and enjoyable
at one point in time she even asked me whether I'd like to be KOed ... and my natural response was "Could you continue for a while?"



原帖由 CY+Kong 於 2007-12-4 11:48 發表
no wonder ...
Man Man called me on Sunday afternoon !!!
it's a family day ma ...
it might cause troubles to brothers ga


Brief report (in here) about #68
Outlook: quite pretty in my view, particularly in the room when the light is dim
Body figure: short, and no fat, my cup of tea
Dup skill: fair, I would say, not her major selling point , she's serious when she did the massage, and force could marginally be rated as medium (I'm 小小骨精 la), but position didn't suit me too well
Others: quite impressive
may retry if I'm not too tired, and just looking for some relaxation and fun time

For my personal feeling, please go here:
http://forum.timway.com/f/viewth ... =page%3D#pid3800347

P.S. bro Doer, months ago, you mentioned about her in here, right? and you remarked ... "一個字形容", but then you 玩神秘 and didn't spell it out.  Even after I've tried her, I still couldn't figure out what that "one word" could be ... could you be kind enough to let me know? just being a bit curious

[ 本帖最後由 phantomman 於 2008-2-2 12:51 編輯 ]


原帖由 巴士茂李 於 2008-2-2 12:44 發表

You There Yesterday????
Me Too...............................

not yesterday, but the night before


原帖由 虎次郎 於 2008-4-18 20:06 發表
very surprised to become old customer by my 3rd visited

tried #)
she has a very good dup skill so far

any other good recommendation for night shift?
Tried No.30 (原來 = ex-103)
細心, 溫柔, 體貼, dup得又有心機


原帖由 messenger 於 2008-4-24 13:07 發表

ah...she has been promoted as 102 who's now 12.

Thanks for your info!
there's promotion ?!
i've no idea
I just don't know why they keep changing no. from time to time ...
not too convenient for customer like me ...
(at first, I couldn't even recognize her !!)


原帖由 messenger 於 2008-4-25 00:14 發表
今日首次供應西式湯 - 粟米忌廉湯

乜有煎腸粉麉 ?!
that's one of 賣飛佛 ah ~~~~~~~~~~~~
蝕曬 tim ...


原帖由 messenger 於 2008-4-24 14:01 發表

3 digits of number for Trainee there
After certain period, they will change to 2-digits number as promotion.
i see i see




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