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[原創] Anyone here still using film cameras???

I am now still  using the Canon New F-1 and FD 85mm 1.2L. Although the camera is a 20 years old model, the picture it take is still excellent. The picture that take from digital camera still cannot compare with film camera. Furher I don't like the feeling of taking photograph by digital camera, it look like drawing picture instead of taking photograph.


原帖由 mister_sunny 於 2006-8-22 11:04 AM 發表
leica M6 classic 0.85x with 35mm summicron 4th version + fujifilm superia 400 set @ 320iso.

best regards
The picture is not bad but there is some small mistake. When we take photograh about the sea, we must pay attention to the horizontal line. In this picture the horizontal line is distored. And usually the horizontal line is put on the Upper 1/3 or lower 1/3


原帖由 dcat 於 2006-9-7 03:51 PM 發表
I still use a Nikon mechanical camera and it works perfect.

I use a Canon DSLR at work, but to be frank, the only reason I think photographers have to use it is simply because there is less and  ...
Totally agreed and supported the opinion of dcat. There is no free lunch for photograph. Good picture depends on technique, lenes and camera. However the most important thing is technique. Nowadays many DSLR users even do not have the basic skill in photography. They just take take take and delete delete delete. I feel disappointed that the Leica manufactured a digital M8. They still need to follow the trend of the commercial world. I think people who know photography will only buy the M6.




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