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[原創] Anyone here still using film cameras???

I am using Nikon F2. I am a fan of film cam. I think there is not a big difference for a amateur between using D-Cam and F-Cam today la. But I enjoy the moment to see the photo from the paper bag.


原帖由 dcat 於 2006-9-7 03:51 PM 發表
I still use a Nikon mechanical camera and it works perfect.

I use a Canon DSLR at work, but to be frank, the only reason I think photographers have to use it is simply because there is less and  ...
yes, absolutely agree. though i am still in the beginner level. but What I am pursuing is the photograghy technique and skill. combine different lens and use different type of film to create your own image.

I think film camera bring me more fun and make me feel more enjoyable during shooting rather than using D-SLR. though it is not as convenient and efficient as D-SLR. But I think people who like (leisure) photography must be willing to spend more time on produing the quality work rather than producing the quantity gwa.




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