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Re: Bus #12
Looking thru your stories, feel that you are a nice guy.  100% agreed that You
Young guys nowadays are rubbish (Not all but may be about 70%).  Mentally
they are very bad, physically they are very weak, might get cold very often.
They wear at least 3 top-dresses (1 underwear, 1 Tee, and another jacket
outside to avoid getting cold).
Re: Bus #7
But I don't understand why at this page, you used totally all dirty words,
which story made you so disappointing, is there anyone whom you'll never
forgive ?  I am just courious !


To: Mr. Bus
I'm a 新手, so I made typing error, I was referring to your #13 and #8
anyway, forgive me for intruding upon your attention.  It looks like 大
部份文章都是由板主所出, am I welcome ?




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