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IT 行業的難處

I just wonder if this only happens to IT.
I've been working in IT industry for nearly 15 yrs, and wish to do something else.
And the problem is, i am still searching .... simply can't find anything better (regardless the future)

Anyone one got success story to completely transform from IT guy to something else ?


I just wonder if this only happens to IT.
I've been working in IT industry for nearly 15 yrs, and wish to do something else.
And the problem is, i am still searching .... simply can't find anything better (regardless the future)

Anyone one got success story to completely transform from IT guy to something else ?


I thought about that... but sorry no.
The sad part of IT job is that it occupies 110% of your time, customer call u on 24x7 basis and also u need to do quite a number professional exam every year just to maintain your certifications (no matter it's CCIE/MCSE/SCE...)

I've got a MBA and MSc though, but again they mean nothing at all to potential employer. They are more interests about your roles in your existing company, your yearly target and your yearly budget/P&L.  (BTW, the one who benefit from MBA may be the MBA School who get paid a serious amount of $ and 2nd perhaps it looks better on my CV) It definitely doesn't help me at all in searching for new job outside IT.

相關搜索目錄: MCSE


I thought about that... but sorry no.
The sad part of IT job is that it occupies 110% of your time, customer call u on 24x7 basis and also u need to do quite a number professional exam every year just to maintain your certifications (no matter it's CCIE/MCSE/SCE...)

I've got a MBA and MSc though, but again they mean nothing at all to potential employer. They are more interests about your roles in your existing company, your yearly target and your yearly budget/P&L.  (BTW, the one who benefit from MBA may be the MBA School who get paid a serious amount of $ and 2nd perhaps it looks better on my CV) It definitely doesn't help me at all in searching for new job outside IT.

相關搜索目錄: MCSE




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