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[原創] 新版開張,悅沐再現

Tried Kaman yesterday, a very nice masseuse.  I didn't ask for her since it was my first time visit.  Lucky me, sounds like she is one of the bests in IS.  

Her skill is very sophiscated, thanks to the training in Zanadu.  I particularly like her work on my upper arms, which relax my tense muscle, i can't recall the last time I feel that relexed on that part.  Another reflex joy comes from the butt rubbing, the system was so messed up as I put all my weight on it all day long.  She worked on every part for four to five times, showing extremely serious attitude towards the massage!

She's talkative, though i was little bit tired and tend to sleep.  We exchanges some interesting things on various topics, the only regret on the chat was she over estimated my age.  Poor me, getting old before my time.

To conclude, highly recommend IS.


原帖由 webhunter 於 2006-8-29 11:00 PM 發表

Hi brother Marv,

Definitely Kaman is one of the best in IS, otherwise she will not be my appointed bg

Yesterday I also visited her in the afternoon.  When did you find her?
My solutes,    brother webhunter, I jumped into IS in the hot noon sun around 1pm, certianly didn't conflict your appointment

I was so lucky to be appointed to Kaman.  Shouldn't have missed this thread before.


原帖由 webhunter 於 2006-8-29 11:27 PM 發表
Yes, I was the guy following your appointment.

Next time if kaman is engaged, you may find her good friend Niki whose bone skill is also outstanding.
Bro webhunter, many thanks for the suggestion,   see if the weather will push me into IS again these days.


原帖由 webhunter 於 2006-9-18 12:25 AM 發表
最新食品報告: 依家除左之前既美食外,仲加左魚蛋,雞翼,雞腎,粉果同燒賣,大家又多左好多選擇啦



借問各位大佬,Nicole係咪真係on leave?  上次她dup得幾好,想復蹉...美容院出身手勢都幾特別.

相關搜索目錄: 美容



Thanks for answering.
原帖由 neo 於 2006-11-1 04:48 PM 發表

前晚落過去,我都問過, 呀菲話佢仲系on leave 喎。


Ya.. i haven't been there for a long time, since all my cups of tea left....and.. bros dont hanve any further recommendations....

a very neat place though




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