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6 Tantric Massage

I tried Tantric b4 but a lot cheaper. Forgot, like 1000?+500 (girl strip). The girl was decent but not too different from a good BG at those ~6-800 (depending on tip) upstairs spa.

But 3200 .. wah ..  need to really trust the agent. Hmm, maybe if Webhunter bro trust I should trust too and try once more

相關搜索目錄: SPA
  • 白貓兒 金錢 +15 多謝分享 2012-10-30 19:22
  • 白貓兒 威望 +15 多謝分享 2012-10-30 19:22
  • 白貓兒 體力 +15 多謝分享 2012-10-30 19:22


Webhunter bro, there are many reports on 'young' and 'local' girls with v good service on 1x1 forum in Wonder Spa? U tried?

Also, many ads on private outcall massage - some over 1000 some less - I tried Win of TST and she is absolutely terrible. Felt like daylight robbery.

相關搜索目錄: SPA


回復 10# 的帖子

Win outcall on 1x1.

1. ON phone said meet up and if not ok I pay her $100 (or did I even offer $200?). She said ok.
2. Arrive - she said go to another hourly hotel by phone and she is waiting outside there. I go to that hotel. Not see her. Call her and she said she at the hotel lobby.
3. Go to lobby. Nobody there (reception empty). Heard a voice calling me over (small hotel), looked and said she is Win.
4. Receptionist said hotel fee is this and please pay. Win already open room.
5. I could not see Win clearly other than that she not really dressed up (jeans + tshirt) and room lights not on (only hallway lights on).
6. She went to bathroom smiling and giggling that she go first and i not go in. Errr ... she didn't look shy and/or young to begin with so weird.
7. Come out then turn off room lights that it more romantic.
8. I shower then out. Closer to her and see: She looks very very average. Her skin is dry / not smooth (probably the latter - so she at least 33 onwards if badly kept). Tummy have stretch marks so had baby.
9. Massage - lasted 10-15 minutes. Then said turn around. I was wondering for waht then she started usual standard procedure and she does not respect the environment too.
10. I end up reject her and said kau kei basic part 2 suen. Diu.
11. From conversation she keep on saying how she part-time only and have full time job as office clerk/sales somewhere. Whatever, I would not be surprised if she normally just some 300 full service BG in upstairs 141.
12. F*cking daylight robbery.
  • bbfacehk 金錢 +10 thx for UNLUCKY report! 2012-10-31 15:07
  • bbfacehk 威望 +10 thx for UNLUCKY report! 2012-10-31 15:07
  • bbfacehk 體力 +10 thx for UNLUCKY report! 2012-10-31 15:07
  • 白貓兒 金錢 +25 多謝分享 2012-10-31 11:13
  • 白貓兒 威望 +25 多謝分享 2012-10-31 11:13
  • 白貓兒 體力 +25 多謝分享 2012-10-31 11:13


回復 12# 的帖子

Wow, many high roller brothers!

If quality i definitely not mind paying more.


回復 15# 的帖子

I'll try that posh tantric massage next week. Report back later!


回復 20# 的帖子

Oh $1k ...


回復 12# 的帖子

Why 3 sessions better? 1 more Q?


I will not report name of masseur for sake of the girl ... esp when it is clear she tried her best ...but I had an average experience for a very above average price (i even chose 2h 3900 package).

Paying more money not always mean more quality I guess. Being brave and assuming risk also does not mean I'll get a bigger return. On the other hand, staying in 500-800 range upstairs spa not mean won't get girls of higher quality or opportunities for more (ask aero169 the expert on this!). ARGH

相關搜索目錄: SPA
  • aero169169 金錢 +20 多謝誇獎 2012-12-6 16:09
  • aero169169 威望 +20 多謝誇獎 2012-12-6 16:09
  • aero169169 體力 +20 多謝誇獎 2012-12-6 16:09


回復 33# 的帖子

I guess I need to talk to keeper more. Perhaps it is no different from going to say a big sauna like Indulgence or Rainbow. You just walk-in and not talk to manageress much. You'll get the girls who they can't really sell normally. Should really ask for specific girls.


回復 35# 的帖子

I actually did. But anyways ... i stick to cheap upstairs SPAs maybe


回復 42# 的帖子

So many similar spas these days - a lot of reports on 1x1.com of 'locals' with v comprehensive service ... maybe that is why? The girls at daily b4 did not like the manageress/owner also ... always talk bad things about her


回復 47# 的帖子

I reckon there are quality girls here, but there is a chance you might get someone who no different from those 500-800 (after tips) girls in upstairs Spa. As for part-time or full-time, they'll tell u they only work for this boss, but who knows really.

相關搜索目錄: SPA




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