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who is gd looking and provide VAS here?

I planning to migrate to Indulgence and become a regular there lu


原帖由 webhunter 於 2006-8-31 11:39 PM 發表
So which sauna did you visit b4?
RPS (CwB) and OPS (Cwb). Any suggestions on who is good at Indulgence? good as in looks :bird:


原帖由 webhunter 於 2006-9-4 10:14 PM 發表
Sorry for my late reply.  You may try 1, 18 & 80.  All of them work in day shift.

Or you may find daytime officer-in-charge Crystal.  She is very pleasant and helpful and definitely can give ...
thanks, bro webhunter. I will try next time i go. Tried Coco (forgot her #) nightshift and she gd skills but not exactly good looking.


thanks, webhunter


Personally i dun find Kaman and her friend particularly good looking. Bone skill quite good though.

Any good looking ladies one can recommend to me?

I also tried a Fifi who not outstanding.


原帖由 falo 於 2006-10-18 11:22 AM 發表

They got some newcomers (BGS)ie sam,annie,dera....But I haven't try?

I explore those newcomers sin


原帖由 super123123 於 2006-11-8 09:34 PM 發表
Went there at daytime and asked crystal for a young + good looking + slim bg, doesnt matter local or nrth!! Finally she got me GG! Cant find anything match with my requested factors! + I have commu ...
I also have communcation problems with Crystal. She has never recommended me a decent looking girl. All good dup skills and relatively young but not good looking at all. Like you, I bumped into one really good looking one but as she was with another client i decided not to ask for her #. Crystal not helpful at all, despite her decent looks. I been there like 7 times now and I losing my patience (i a patient person).


Perhaps i asking for too much. Such good dup skills really cannot v rare to be a good looking la. I tried a few ladies Alleycat bro noted and skills-wise almost all good, if not vvvv good.


原帖由 super123123 於 2006-11-16 10:24 AM 發表

From a BG - both Natalie and Nicole left - anyone can confirm?
damn, where could they go? Which place give the better tips? Or maybe there a place with better turnover? hmm


dup skills i think most ladies quite good ....  problem is with the looks (poor indeed).

sad to say that I am seeking a new sauna after staying with IS for abt 3 months or so.

Probably change to wan bo as recommended by bros here although it so far (if walk from MTR).


I have tried NIki and Kaman.

Kaman dup skills i dun think as good as others in IS (but she look relatively better --- i emphasize RELATIVE again).
Niki good dup skills and she decent looks la.

Daytime shift I htink I have tried almost everyone and for me I have drawn conclusion that no one is my cup of tea. If i am very tired maybe i will go find Niki or anyone else there during daytime.

Nightime another matter though. I am aware of some decent looking ones and a small number of allegedly good looking ones. Problem is I not had opportunity to get access to them. They v popular and my suspicion is that some long-time customers always mark them and/or that Zoe prefers to 'sell' the not so popular BGs to customers like me asking for recommendations. Quite frustrating if i been visiting for quite a number of times and they recognize me, although I am not a friendly person.

My view now is that I will stop visiting regularly as I have always. I will move on to wanbo for a few weeks at least and see see. I heard new customers get umm.. rahter regular service ... only so maybe need to change sauna again. Only if i v tired and cannot be bothered to go over to TST east, I will go to to IS.


excuse my ignorance ... zanadu?? where's that?

plz PM me recommendations if bro super123 or paul+wong not mind ...


if any of those manageress become BG won't be at IS la .... IS emphasize on massage skills more than looks.

I actually come across one BG ... was once a manageress and changed to BG .... she told me it was due to $ mainly and also difficult to retain position as manageress with all the politics involved (and when not much $ at that post). She also mentioned that in her short tenure she came across a few colleagues who later became mistresses of the customers .....


in light that management comes and visits this forum maybe we should consider this platform to be some form of customer feedback indeed ...

management: please employ a few more pretty girls even if their bone skills are not up to par. It's not changing your image or focus of ur business, but maybe as a form of diversification for other customers like myself.


the two new early shift BGs ... what bros think?

Cherry is a sweet young lady. Not get into details since not v nice to openly talk abt details. The management finally listen to customer feedback and get their act together.

The other one from the 'north', ah 'lai"? forgot her name - what bros think?


原帖由 webhunter 於 2006-12-13 05:12 PM 發表

聽聞 Cherry係以前濤記做過,唔知有冇兄弟可以証實到呢?佢係濤記唔知叫咩名呢?

Yes la. Not talk abt details in public but overall positive + fresh experience.

She told me she worked at another sauna b4 (one on HK island) and not the one mentioned above. Hmmm...


I hope management will adjust their policy of recruiting bgs slightly. A certain new addition to IS seems to be gaining popularity. Not saying the other BGs not good as all have different needs, but some diversity good gwa.

Has anyone tried the other new girl? "Ah Lai"? Plz PM if u have.


not tried Coco yet.

Where all the bros of IS gone? how come all silent suddenly? hmm




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