推介:| 修理頂蓬布 | Mediator course | Hypnosis course | Dream Interpretation | NLP | English course |


[上樓骨] 水の戀

Finally tried this place. To be honest, the hardware of this place is not up to standard. The girls maybe of higher quality and the price slightly cheaper ... but this place not for me.

I tried Karen, who used to work at "Man Mei" at Prince Edward/MK. She is quite good, but I only tried hre because Ada bad time management and after I shower tell me Daisy cannot make it back on time. I guess not regular customer I get bad service gwa


Oh, yes ... Kary .. not Karen.

The time management issue is not fatal for me to be honest, but the hardware is. Those small rooms in particular extremely uncomfortable to be in. Anyways, I guess Ada must be doing a great job judging from the fans clarifying things for her




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